Sports Management a good major?

<p>Im a senior in HS and im gonna start college next year, wanna go to law school (top 50?). Just wanted to ask, is sports management a good major? will it do a good job of preparing me for law school or should i just forget it and do economics or history, majors ive heard that are good in preparing your analytical skills? any thoughts are welcome</p>

<p>No, IMP sports mgmt. is a bit of a joke.</p>

<p>BTW, M OP is based on being a college adviser and also having 3 kids in college. One of my k’s wants to go to a top law school. While LSAT is very (most) important, GPA is also important. But that depends on the major. Sports management is not usually considered rigorous.</p>

<p>You would prepare better by studying economics or history and preparing for your LSATs.</p>

<p>what if the OP wants to go into sports/entertainment law? Then it seems that sports management would give the OP a good base for that line of work.</p>



<p>Actual experience in sports management (working for an agent, etc.) would. Majoring in sports management would not.</p>

<p>Math and science majors have well groomed logic skills necessary for the LSAT. History, Poli Sci, Literature majors get more work with writing well, which is a big part of law school. I’d have to agree that sports management isn’t a great choice of a major for a law school applicant because it doesn’t directly address anything that law students would need. That being said, if you’re just aiming for the top 50, you could probably get into one of them with a good LSAT score and a great GPA in Sports Management. If you’re looking at T14 or T20, change to something more conventional.</p>

<p>But you should definitely choose a major that interests you since you’re far more likely to accel at it, as long as that major isn’t one of the super soft ones that top law schools will look down on. How you do in said major is far more important than what your major is. Don’t force yourself into a major you wouldn’t do as well at just because its what the majority of law school applicants take. Hope that helps.</p>

<p>what is a “super soft one”? is economics a good major before law school? I’m considering law school, not sure if i’ll apply or not (just a college freshman right now). anyway I chose econ cause it’s what i’m interested in. I know econ isn’t considered a highly rigorous major like math/physics, but it won’t look bad if I’m applying to T20, will it?</p>