what bugs me most about sports is that much of the "skill" comes from being born a certain way- the genetics, sure much is practice, but if you have one leg shorter than another, have health issues, etc., you won't be part of that world, no matter how are you work</p>
<p>Yes sports are wonderful, but why should you having long legs and being fast be more important than being a good student, why should being born big and strong be more important that volunteering at a hospital</p>
<p>Yeah yeah, there is training and commitment involved, whatever, but when it comes down to it, its all about bodies, and it is just so, how shall I put this, "Basic", caveman like- those with the best bodies win...</p>
<p>Doing sports for yourself is laudable, of course it is, something like the special Olympics does amazing things for the participants, but to just watch others run around, eh</p>
<p>And no, it is NOT the same as singing or playing an instrument, not when we are talking about millions of dollars for sports while those programs are cut</p>
<p>I know I am in the minority, but I just find this whole college sports thing kind of creepy- irs all about the bucks and NOT about education
<p>And you think that 'talent' or genetics aren't involved in Music, theater, and the like? Or straight up academics. A kid with Downs isn't going to Harvard no matter how hard he tries. The kid with bad teeth who needs braces for years upon years isn't going to be the next Louie Armstrong. My tone deaf dad isn't ever going to sing like Aretha Franklin.</p>
<p>All of these are talents used for money and non-academic purposes.</p>
<p>And there are more people in orchestra, symphony, a cappela, theater, or whatever other arts program for a living than in sports. And it isn't close. Only a couple thousand people play sports professionally, not enough to supply Broadway or Hollywood.</p>