Spring 2019 Transfer

When was your application deemed as complete? @miamiapp20199

I received an email November 6th that they received my application

That’s extremely odd. Have you tried calling? Because mine was deemed the day before and I received my acceptance on the 14th @miamiapp20199

I called last week and they told me that some people have received decisions and some have not and that the only option is to wait. The wait is driving me crazy!

Hi! I applied to transfer right before the December 1st deadline. I was just wondering if anyone had any idea when the last day to receive a decision would be. My counselor seems to think it’ll be right before Christmas, but I’m nervous it’ll be after. I go to Tufts in Boston and it would be wayyy better to hear back before I leave campus so I can pack everything up. Also, there were a ton of issues with my Canelink since I had one when I applied in HS so I never got an email saying anything was complete but when I called they said everything was in.

i submitted my application october 31st, and i still haven’t recieved a decision yet. I called multiple times and they said the latest we can hear back is early January. I can definitely relate since I’m out of state as well and the time between is so short, so since you submitted yours after i did then they’ll probably still reviewing it. :confused:

I also applied around then and still haven’t heard from them. Kinda sucks because they aren’t giving us much time in between the decision and the start of the spring semester

They still haven’t released any news? WTH that’s horrible, I’m so sorry you guys are going through this

Has anyone still not heard back yet

I’ve had the worst time of my life with financial aid. Still haven’t recueved my financial package. Nothing about admissions? @umiami22

@TuftsTransferUM - Had the same thing happen. Did you ever hear whether you got in?