I am in a huge bind right now. I didn’t now that I was accepted into USC for the Spring Term instead of the Fall term and I committed there, rejecting UCLA and UC Berkley with whom I had normal acceptance. I found this out May 2nd, the day after all the deadlines and Im not sure what to do. I do not have a solidified home after I turn 18 because I live with my aunt and I was relying on housing at the dorms in the fall for housing. What do I do? Would UCLA or UC Berkley let me commit and go there if I explained my situation. Is it even possible to apply community college at this point? How do I pay for life? These are all questions I don’t now. All I know, is that this was the biggest mistake I have ever made in my academic life and I’m very shocked.
There is a high possibility that Fall Semester/Quarter for UCLA and UCB will be on-line and housing will not be guaranteed. Before you contact either school to see if you can change your enrollment, figure out what you will do if the UC housing is also not available.
A Spring admission at USC might be a blessing after all due to the current virus situation.
If you have been living with aunt for a while, I am sure a few more months should not matter???
Since they accepted you for spring you should ask admission if you could go to community college for the fall so you won’t lose an entire semester. If you qualify for financial aid you could get some money while you attend community college and maybe afford the rent for the next four months of the semester. Maybe your aunt will understand your mistake and let you stay another semester, I understand how it is to feel like a burden to family.
I did not consider that Fall semester might be online or what I would do in that situation so I’m grateful that you brought that to my attention. I don’t have a sure plan right now about housing but I will talk to my aunt and hope for the best. If it doesn’t work out Ill work from there (talk to friends, financial aid for rent, possibly displace scholarship money for rent). I’ve been living with her for a couple months and I’m not her responsibility at all so I don’t know if she (and her boyfriend) is willing or can afford to have me with her for a couple more months. Anyways, thank you for your response, my head is more clear now so I will go forward with the mindset that this isn’t the worst thing to have happened.
i agree - contacts USC and ask about attending a CC in the interim.