Spring Admits- You will...

<p>participate in the CalSo program for FPF?</p>

<p>Yep im signed up for Mid July.</p>

<p>WAT do we HAVE to go? cuz they said something about it being optional</p>

<p>How does Berkeley decide who's a spring admit and who's a fall admit?
- I'm fall-- watever tat means...</p>

<p>But if it's because of a missing A-G requirement, I might end up Spring--so-- any comments?</p>

<p>1.you don't have to go to CALSO
2. umm orphanarium, you are either accepted Fall or Spring. I have never heard of deferring to Spring as you didn't complete the A-G requirements. Suggest you call the admissions office ASAP if there is some issue with meeting requirements for matriculation.</p>

<p>I was accepted to Fall-- and one of the conditions was tat I take a Visual and Performing Arts Credit. I took the class--and I'm not sure what grade I'll get or how high of a grade they need me to get. If it's a C, then i'm set-- if it's a B-- then, I have to wait to c how I did on my final.</p>

<p>I was wondering if they would allow me to be deferred to Spring to let me re-take tat course or another Visual and Performing Art credit course during fall if needed -- tats y i wanted to kno how berkeley decided btw. fall vs. spring admits-- cuz if the reason y u guys were spring admits was becuz they wanted u to take certain classes 1st-- then i'll be less worried about my admissions being pulled cuz i mite not get a B in the class. (its at a community college-- so tats y im not sure the at least a C grade counts)</p>

<p>yeah im not going. no real point since we already signed up for our classes.</p>