<p>Does anyone know how long it takes for Delaware to let you know about Spring transfer acceptance?!? I'm dying to find out!!! Also does anyone know how hard it is to get into Udel in the Spring? How many apply/how many do they accept?! Thanks!!</p>
<p>hey what are your stats, I am curious.</p>
<p>Not so good unfortunately…
EC:tons of extracurriculars, this is probably one of my strong points. Varsity Cheerleader, Varsity Dance Team, Varsity Diving, Church Volunteer, Mission Trip to Mexico, SPCA volunteer, Adopt a family, food bank, Leadership, etc…i have a lot, to many to name.
Essay: I think i have a very strong essay. I also found out i have ADD last year and since then my grades have gone up a lot and it explains my low gpa in the past.
SATS: didn’t take them, i knew that after high school i was going to go to a junior college so my counselor instructed me to not take them. I called admissions at Udel and they said they did not need them since i graduated high school in 2006</p>
<p>Anyone?!? Please i can’t find anything on the universities website and i’m dying to find out if i even have a chance!!</p>