St Andrew's School, Delaware

<p>@Charger78: Alas, no. While we were spared flooding and tree impacts, the trees that did fall at our home fell right on power wires…which only affect us and one other home. So I’m assuming we’re way down on their list of priorities. Safe and sound and relatively comfortable camping at my inlaws. Second time in roughly a year (last time was Irene). Glad we get along!</p>

<p>SAS generally gets around to posting transcripts of the chapel talks, so hopefully a copy of Mrs. Chiu’s talk will be available soon.</p>

<p>A short, amusing video of some SAS faculty announcing International Day, “Gangnam Style”:</p>

<p>[Faculty</a> Introduce International Day - YouTube](<a href=“Faculty Introduce International Day - YouTube”>Faculty Introduce International Day - YouTube)</p>

<p>Besides showing a lighter side of BS, the short clip lets you see the SAS dining hall and how students dress on a regular school day.</p>

<p>Also, a nice clip from Bio teacher Dan O’Connell on the story behind one of the photos on the SAS home page right now:</p>

<p><a href=“The Evolution of a Science Class by Dan O'Connell - YouTube”>The Evolution of a Science Class by Dan O'Connell - YouTube;

<p>Bumping for goforprep…</p>

<p>Stopped by the SAS site recently, and was struck by this sentence in the Admissions Welcome section:</p>

<p>“Bright, motivated students, who are ready to immerse themselves in all aspects of school life and engage in a lifetime adventure, are encouraged to apply.”</p>

<p>How about a post-orchestra social gathering this Friday evening? This post is for current parents who might be traveling to Middletown this weekend as there are several events open to us! I am figuring that adults who attend the concert will find that their children must return to the corridor afterward, unlike Saturday.<br>
Would there be any interest in meeting at Cantwell’s Tavern in Odessa? This is a wonderful restaurant (and taproom) located just five minutes away (right off Rt. 13). The town is very 18th and 19th centuries, and CT has ambience to suit. A good spot for refreshments and interesting people! (Sorry if I’m breaking CC rules – pleading ignorance. Can guarantee at least three [total] minutes of conversation about “prep school admissions” as a result of this public service announcement!!)</p>

<p>@Charger: A “in real life” meet up? I wonder how many of those have happened via CC that we don’t know about. Alas, it’s my office holiday party this Friday…so we won’t be headed down for the concert. Please clap doubly loud and let’s shoot for something over a regatta weekend in the Spring.</p>

<p>A link to the archived livestream of recent Open Mike Night at SAS:</p>

<p>[Open</a> Mic Night on Livestream](<a href=“]Open”>Open Mic Night on Livestream)</p>

<p>Please open the second clip from the top FIRST, and go to the 5:45 mark. Please.</p>

<p>My daughter is applying to several BS and we do not know many families with boarding school experience. So two quick questions, in case someone on this forum might know. Both we (as parents) and my daughter have received emails and letters in the past month from all of the school she has applied to (Groton, Episcopal, Andover, Deerfield, Choate and Lawrenceville) except St. Andrew’s. Does that bode ill for her admission to St Andrew’s? It does make St Andrew’s seem a little more formal and less friendly, though it seemed friendly when we visited. Secondly, we couldn’t help but notice that St Andrew’s has lots of senior administrators (Headmaster, Dean of Faculty, Assistant Headmaster, etc) and they are overwhelmingly male. Any ideas why St Andrew’s doesn’t have more senior women leaders? And are the female students treated as well as the boys in terms of teacher attention, athletic facilities, etc.?</p>

<p>We went through the admit cycle at SAS for Sept. '12 and now again for '13 (two different children). I would not try to guess what is in the communications from the other schools, but would venture that these do not necessarily indicate a “likely” admission, much less a lock. The application is in play at these schools late in the game, you may assume, but the odds at most of them are quite long, as you know. </p>

<p>St. Andrew’s, I don’t think, does mail at this time of year; I think that they are more likely to have sent a holiday card in Dec/Jan if you had developed a relationship with an AO or got the app in by that time. I find the school a pretty original blend of many things. Not so much formal as traditional, for one. And, as a former applicant put it in another recent thread, “indie”. Go figure. Very Episcopal, but of the progressive strain. </p>

<p>A fuller view is available on CC, mostly through the posts of SevenDad, and also from ops and myself. I had several very helpful contacts with three other current parents and one past parent after our admission letter last year. What all would say is that women and girls are treated wonderfully at the school. Mrs. Roach is much more than the sum of teacher, coach and Head’s wife. Ms. Ramirez is a Dean and Mrs. Zendt also carries a lot of sway, as I think other alumnae employees do. There was a women’s leadership and networking forum on campus last fall, and I think it is an annual gathering. Several parents I spoke with at Visit Back last March had girls admitted elsewhere and they asked many questions of the faculty and students about the advantages at SAS; then, I saw them and their daughters at school in the fall. (The yield of 68% last year is pretty outrageously high.) Mr. Roach told us that March that this is the best school in the country for girls, and I sighed at the folly of the superlative. However, when I saw a class later that day and the quality of the student-managed discussion, carried by every single participant, my skepticism softened. In the months since, I have observed lots on campus which does in fact indicate a culture where girls are treated more respectfully and equally than I had imagined possible (with 12 years teaching at boarding schools and 17 at day). *** Suffice it to say, I hope that if your child is admitted, you will learn more about the school on another visit, and let us know on CC if we can help. There are terrific perspectives from several other families you might be interested in learning about that I can steer you toward, all of which go beyond what is found on this thread.</p>

<p>I would like to know if SAS has wonderful facilities. I mean when you are studying Physics or Chemistry. And does any famous prep schools offer them? Im applying to SAS.</p>

<p>I was wondering how was the revisit day last year for the newly accepted applicants? What did they do and what did the school have planned for the applicants? Was there a schedule to follow?</p>

<p>I may not be the best one to answer katrinadad’s question about athletic facilities for girls, as I have a son (a junior) at SAS. I waited to see if someone else would take it on. Since no, I will try. In general, the facilities are nice. For example, there is a new fieldhouse and a great pool. There are some differences between what is available for girls and boys, though maybe the major difference is emphasis. The varsity boys have “first dibs” on the best soccer field over the girls varsity, the boys’ heavyweight eight boat is nicer than the girls, etc. When they go to away games, the boys get the better bus and will get taken out for dinner, the girls’ coach will bring sandwiches or the girls will buy for themselves. Whether these small differences bother you or not is definitely individual. My wife and I live nearby, so we are frequently around for athletics and we have a daughter who goes to another school. I think that katrinadad’s daughter would be satisfied with the facilities, and she can take a good look if she is accepted and comes to visitback day. I do remember, for what its worth, that my son got a nice note from the SAS Admissions director in January when he applied. So the silence from SAS may be a bad sign, though I cannot know for sure.</p>

<p>@hamburger, the physics and chemistry facilities at SAS are in Amos, a building much older, for whatever that’s worth, than the buildings at other well known schools. Closer to Delaware, Peddie’s Annenberg center was opened in 2005 and L’ville’s FM Kirby Science a few years before that; several NE schools have newer buildings as well. Still, I have never heard complaints about the SAS science facilities. On a related note, though all BS science teachers look good on paper, most of the SAS science teachers make good classroom use of their own real world experience in outside labs and businesses.</p>

<p>@Charger78: Thank you for the info. SAS’s interview is amazing for me, as just a few Americans share soccer as a hobby with me haha.</p>

<p>@FM: The Visit Back gives your child good exposure to the Headmaster, other kids and some teachers (one of them in a small group setting). Just as importantly, the same is true for the parents. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to sit in on a class. Be a good listener at lunch while eating with the students (and try not to talk too much with the teacher who will also be at the table). If you want to learn more about the student POV, the lunch will be your best opportunity because the kids will not be your tour guides or other “selected” students. The schedule is full, and even then you may have to make choices because it is impossible to do all that you’d like, i.e., be two places at once. The Visit Back is definitely worthwhile at SAS. My son based his matriculation decision on the re-visits to the two boarding schools in play (after re-visiting the day schools previously; and we almost had him visit the public school as well).</p>

<p>When do you wear classroom dress and when do you wear Haycock Wear</p>

<p>“Haycock wear is permitted for classes and weekday lunches from May 15 through September 30.” It’s the informal classroom dress during the warmer months. October through May 15 classroom dress is a bit more strict.</p>

<p>Bump for families with SAS on their options list for 4/10/13.</p>

<p>Any families considering St. Andrew’s School in Delaware should feel free to PM me. Awesome regatta in Middletown yesterday…great weather and the usual great camaraderie. Go Saints!</p>

<p>We are revisiting Tuesday. Can’t wait!</p>