<p>Just wondering if anyone has any experience with, knowledge of St. Michaels.</p>
<p>Just wondering if anyone has any experience with, knowledge of St. Michaels.</p>
<p>My D was offered a very generous merit package. I’ve heard nothing but good things about the school. Did not have D’s major… but otherwise…</p>
<p>I live in VT and St. Mike’s has a strong reputation. It draws an international student body. Some strong students from our HS have chosen to attend (including the sal one year). It is located in a great place…Burlington, VT and has a nice campus. I don’t have a lot of details to share. It has some very good programs. Ten years ago, when my kid was just ten years old, she was asked to be in St. Mike’s college theater production (they needed one child actor) and we spent a lot of time there and the students were wonderful and took her in and we went to their college parties and so forth.</p>
<p>thanks so much. It looks like just what my D is looking for and might be a match/safety that she would love.</p>
<p>My s was also offered a very generous merit package, and he really liked St. Mike’s. He ended up choosing another college (better fit). He sent the Dean of Admissions a nice note thanking him for the merit package but had to turn it down - and the Dean responded with an equally lovely note.</p>
<p>I’ve known some kids who have gone there. Parents are very pleased.</p>