St Olaf Early Action 2021

When does the Early Action Notification comes out? Kinda agitated about the uncertainty surrounding their notification date. Anyone knows when they’ll release it?

Waiting a little breathlessly too. I got an email yesterday from their FA asking about a discrepancy between our FAFSA and CSS. Turns out I’d made an error in the number in the household on FAFSA so corrected it. We are really hoping that FA wouldn’t be doing the review if he hadn’t been accepted so feel like it’s any day now. And REALLY hoping merit will be generous enough. Good luck!

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|Early Decision I|November 15|December 15|December 15|
|Early Action|November 15|January 15|February 1|
|Early Decision II|January 15|February 1|February 8|
|Regular Decision|January 15|March 15|April 1|

Decision just came in the portal with an email alert. My son was accepted which is great but no mention of merit money at all which may mean he didn’t get any? They said financial aid will be uploaded “soon.”

Good luck to all.

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Congrats! I got accepted too but I didn’t get any merit aid either, but I did apply for financial aid which is coming out in 7-10 days according to the acceptance letter

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Anyone see their financial aid package yet?
Nothing here that I’ve found.

It should be out in another 2-5 days as the acceptance letter stated that it takes 7-10 days (starting on the day they released the decision) before we could get out financial aid package

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Just got the letter and it’s pretty good. Won’t be his best offer financially but possibly would be worth the extra expense. I am surprised and pleased that the grants are not “merit” and so are not tied to a particular GPA. Takes a little pressure off.

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That’s kind of where we are at, too. My daughter was accepted with merit and a small extra grant. I think this school will fall in the middle financially, but may be worth the extra expense. Right now, it’s where she wants to go.

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You guys got your financial aid packages? Did you receive an email notifying you about it? I have yet to receive mine…

Yes email that said we’d get an update in 24 hours and then an email yesterday afternoon that we had an update. The financial aid was a small university grant and a much larger housing grant, also opportunity for work study up to $2700/ year and the federal loan.

Total grants were $26,000/year. My son’s stats I think are a little low for St Olaf, our net before loans and work ends up about $12,000 below our FAFSA EFC.

Yes, we received an email Friday that financial aid would be posted to her portal within 24 hours and it was posted a few hours later. I don’t recall seeing an email yesterday about it, though. Maybe just check your portal?

My D21 received the faculty scholarship and housing grant + small fin aid grant. Our EFC is, Idk, pure fantasy? So the cost is still considerably lower than our EFC. I was surprised, but deeply grateful, that she received a fin aid grant at all.

Her stats are 29 ACT / 3.7 UW/ 4.2 W. I hope she can maybe pull off a dance scholarship still but we’ll see.