St Paul's sports vs Exeter

These schools are both in New Hampshire and close to one another. Why don’t they compete in sports?

They do have exhibition type matches in some sports but they have been in different sports leagues. With SPS leaving the ISL, though, my understanding is they will be competing against each other in the future.

Yes, they have been in different leagues which is why they haven’t competed in the past. It this year they left the ISL. however, they do not have the breadth of sports the Exeter has either. (No pool for example)

Well, they have a pool just not a competitive swim team. :slight_smile:

SPS will be playing football in the Evergreen League this fall - Holderness, Proctor, Dexter, etc. I think they look to compete against schools that are similar size and don’t take PGs.

I’m still disappointed the school didn’t make decisions that would have allowed for continuation in the ISL.

It’s disappointing but I’m not sure how they could have made a different decision. In order to remain in the ISL they would have had to discontinue all of their non-financial aid scholarships, some of which have been in place for over 40 years.

I have no doubt they could make those regional scholarship awards based on need as well. My understanding is that in the past they were.

They do consider need when awarding the regional scholarships. Still, this doesn’t make the scholarships need-based. In my observation of the one regional scholarship that I’m familiar with, there is quite a variation from year to year in the level of need (if any) of the applicant pool.

Just because a school doesnt take PGs doesnt mean they dont play the same games. Plenty of repeat grades there.