Stafford Loans

<p>Hi all, is anyone using a non-recommended Stafford loan provider? We went through Discover rather than one of the recommended lenders and I'm trying to see how long it will take.</p>

<p>One other question - do I need to fill out a Profile? When my wife checked with the college they said yes. Since I am only requesting unsubsidized Stafford, everything I have read says no. Can anyone help on that?</p>


<p>We are using AlaskAdvantage, which does Staffords and offers private loans to Alaskan students and families. We applied at the end of last month and I think they are waiting on the school to certify the amounts. I know someone who works at AlaskAvantage so we can keep fairly good tabs on the loans. </p>

<p>Are you talking about the CSS Profile? If so, I’d guess it’s a requirement of the school for any financial aid. It’s probably one of those boxes on the check-off sheet that has to be checked before they’ll process anything.</p>

<p>Akck, it looks like you were right about checking a box. </p>

<p>I spoke with a person in the FA office a few weeks ago who insisted I needed to fill out the CSS Profile, which I did. I called yesterday to make sure the FA office had it and was told that in future years, since we are only looking at federal aid, we won’t need to fill out the Profile. When I mentioned that I only completed it because of info I received from the FA office the woman said I need to ask for a counselor in the future since this is out of the norm. So, no Profile next year! </p>

<p>Less than a month now…</p>

<p>Yes, it appeared to me that we filled out some forms both at L&C and other places just so they could say it was done. I envy you that you won’t have to spend three hours of your life filling it out next year. </p>

<p>Time is moving fast. I think tuition, room and meal plan payment is due next week. We’re getting an Alaska Family Education loan, which hasn’t been certified yet. I called and found out that if it isn’t certified by the time tuition is due that we only need to pay the bill less the loan. </p>

<p>Our son doesn’t seem too concerned and is not very forthcoming with any information, unless asked specific questions. So far, no coordination with roommates on any shared room items. </p>

<p>At least L&C had a summer mailing schedule with response dates. So far I had to remind him when the health form was due (7/1) and that something was due from the orientation packet. He did look through it and said ordering the micro-fridge and property insurance were the only items.</p>

<p>Like you our DD is not very forthcoming with info. I didn’t even know about the mailing schedule. I think I need to have a talk with DD2… DD2 did contact her roommates but I don’t know if she received any response. One is from China so it should be interesting.</p>

<p>One of S4’s roommates is from Japan, who I don’t think he’s contacted yet. His other is from Tennessee and I know they’ve linked up on Facebook. Beyond that, we’ve been told nothing. Maybe he’ll start planning after we go over the tuition bill and figure out how much each of us owes.</p>

<p>Oh, S4 left his packet on the dinning room table. The only other things I saw were to fill out an arrival schedule if you aren’t arriving by car (I think so they can plan to pick the student up), and some foreign language testing that can be done online. None applied to S4.</p>

<p>With S1, we were kept informed. I don’t remember if it was his sharing or that we pushed harder to find out things. He did relate to mom that he is getting a little nervous about going.</p>