Standby Testing and nothing online

<p>I tested Standby for the December test and online it doesn't show that I even tested. What does this mean? Will I still get my scores on time?
If anyone has tested standby and experienced a similar problem, please respond.

<p>My S did standby just on the writing portion (he had pre-registered for the multiple choice portion). Today his registration switched from saying “ACT (no writing)” to
“ACT Plus Writing”. Once they process your test I assume it should show up. Did you pay the day of the test?</p>

<p>yeah, I paid the $86 standby fee and I submitted my envelope. But as of right now, the site doesn’t even show that I tested.</p>

<p>They probably just haven’t processed it yet. Maybe if it doesn’t show up on Monday you should call them and ask what the status is.</p>

<p>Not everyone’s registration changed to tested. My son registered for the ACT in advance and unfortunately his does not say tested yet. I am sure that this means that he won’t have his scores on the 12/29 unless people are working to put more scores on the 26th and/or 27th.</p>

<p>I’m thinking (and hoping too…I’m still “registered”) at least one more batch of scores will be uploaded before Monday. If they’re not planning on uploading again, then there was no reason for ACT to push back the release date.</p>

<p>UHSdebater, I am hoping for the same thing.</p>

<p>I was a Standby and mine still says “registered” not “tested.”</p>

<p>I took it standby and as of right now there is nothing on the website about my december test. It doesn’t even say registered…
Did this happen for anyone else also?</p>