Stanford 2014 SCEAers

<p>Oh I also just noticed that this thread has 58,000+ views, we are kind of famous haha. And check out my stats, almost 16 posts a day.</p>

<p>You guys are on crack or something… i’ve never seen people work so fast before!! I walked away for fifteen minutes… AND BAM… It’s like christmas morning, you open your present (aka laptop) and you gasp at your present (4 full pages of new chatter) haha. looooove it (and I mean that in a Dargon Tales sort of way haha)</p>

<p>That is dedication, sir. My figurative hat would go off to you if my fingers weren’t in pain from writing.</p>

<p>I don’t want people to get angry :'[
I don’t see you guys getting angry over something like that.
Essays make or break the person.</p>

<p>mfederman: <em>straightens in chair, fixes collar, lifts chin, tilts head to side and says in haughty tone</em> Regarding the mad thing… there’s too much love here for any of that childish bickering. We are all Stanford hopefuls, and must behave in such a dignified manner. </p>

<p>Haha. feel the love!!</p>

<p>omg i would LOVE to be called Nitro for the rest of my life, would be so badass</p>

<p>another one of my sister’s friends last year wrote back to all of the colleges where she was denied and “gave them a piece of her mind”, Stanford included haha</p>

<p>Nitro: Consider it done… might I just ask… why nitro hawk?? does it have something to do with cars???</p>

<p>I tried to friend you on xbl but I could not find your account</p>

<p>haha… I am SO doing that. It’s funny when I told one of my friends that I was applying to stanford she said that if they didn’t accept me she would give them “a stern talking to” haha… that made my day. MLIA</p>

<p>OOOO That’s something everyone needs to checkout… MLIA. or Fmylife… of MLIG. If I get accepted I shall be reading MLIA and MLIG and if I get re****** then I shall be reading fmylife to lift my spirits along with MLIA…</p>

<p>Ok I am now limiting myself to 8 posts a day. I will still be watching, just not saying much.</p>

<p>I am editing this so that I don’t use up my numbers but you’re probably right. </p>


<p>To Nitro, maybe but I think I probably shouldn’t be on CC as much as I am anyway.</p>

<p>I don’t think you have the physical ability to only post 8 times a day… you just love us all too much.</p>

<p>@woah, haha not really but kind of, I was deciding on a gamertag and i got Nitro because i had just played need for speed and was looking for a badass adjective to compliment “hawk” (my favorite animal)…</p>

<p>to be fair though i was like 10 when i made it up, and at the time i thought it was pretty cool :P</p>

<p>@mfed, its “Nitro Hawk K3” although i havnt been on XBL in quite a while, if you send one, ill get to it eventually when things settle down</p>

<p>would it be cheating if you created a new account mfed?</p>

<p>if you rock band, let’s play :D</p>

<p>mfed - I think you should just pass the 300 mark. That way we can all celebrate with you. It’ll be like the Yale Wars. Only, more like…not a war.</p>

<p>@Dig i would totally renew my subscription to throw down on Rock Band/Rock Band 2…</p>

<p>DIBS ON DRUMS!!</p>

<p>Yeahhhh! Agree with anon. OHMYGOD I’M MISSING GOSSIP GIRL RIGHT NOW but I’m too comfortable and warm to get out of my bed to the other room xD</p>

<p>@mfed: See… you’re already itching haha. </p>

<p>@Nitro: well as long as you don’t tell anyone that story, it will remain cool ;D</p>

<p>and for a quick distraction : "Today, my parents and I had to go to a teacher conference because I had gotten an awful grade on a math test. When we entered the room, I sat down and the teacher placed my test on the table in front of me. Across the table sat a blank version of the test with an apple on top of it. After a few moments of silence, the teacher looked at my parents and said, “Your son only scored 10% higher on that test than this apple just did.” MLIA "</p>

<p>man … i would be so embarrassed ahha</p>

<p>Good night! Unlike the rest of you, I need my sleep. And homework time. And I do not iTune (yes, it is a verb) /CC/do homework as well as you guys do.</p>

<p>I’m like the slacker part of this group. It’s okay. I’ll represent :)</p>

<p>Awwww I always play at my friend’s house or cousin’s house with the ps3 since ps3 has free internetz (:</p>