Stanford 2014 SCEAers

<p>Yay! Congratulations.</p>

<p>So what’s everyone’s favourite colour? Mine’s red…</p>

<p>(And yes, I’m aware I spelled neither favourite nor colour the American way. Sue me.)</p>



<p>Mine is blue :P</p>

<p>You know, the color question is not the best conversation-starter. What can you say to “Blue is my favorite color”? “Yale’s color is blue”?</p>

<p>Both of my schools have the color scheme, red and green. Stanford and WashU (although the probability that I will attend WashU is now approximately .005%). It is probably one of my least favorite color combinations. My favorite color is brown, seconded by orange and certainly together.</p>


didn’t knww that… but again… I have better reasons to like blue XD</p>

<p>I like orange too. Brown depresses me a little.</p>

<p>[Dip</a> ordinary paper into ink infused with nanotubes and nanowires to create an instant battery](<a href=“]Dip”>Dip ordinary paper into ink infused with nanotubes and nanowires to create an instant battery | ScienceDaily)</p>

<p>GO CARDINAL!!!</p>

<p>I was just wondering… what was the most amazing part of your app (because everyone needs one for a school like Stanford, right?)</p>

<p>I started a recycling company because my city did not have a recycling service and it was very successfull and then helped my city develop a public service and in the meantime I was an official contractor for the city. I got in the news paper and on tv a lot. It was fun because I gave a lot of my friends jobs for the summer and everyone really appreciated what I was doing.</p>

<p>@mfederman: omg, youre so getting in!</p>

<p>Agreed… that’s so damn impressive.</p>

<p>what about you, IBscrewed??</p>

<p>Thank you! I really hope so! But I did not use that as my main essay which worries me, I had it in the extra info part. But I think Stanford will really like it. Plus I had a link to one of my interviews and I was wearing a Stanford shirt ;)</p>

<p>Also Boys State and Boys Nation Alternative (I would have gone if somebody had been sick) doesn’t hurt. One of my essays was about how I got a gun control bill passed a Oklahoma Boys State, it was a funny essay. </p>

<p>I just want to say I find all of the international students on this thread beyond impressive. I assume that English is not most of your first languages and yet you all type perfect English, I really envy that. And cool accents :)</p>

<p>haha. i have an american accent when I’m talking to my friends but when I talk to my family or my parents I have an Indian accents… my friends find it hilarious haha.</p>

<p>My favorite accents are Indian and Caribbean accents. I have an Australian friend and his accent cracks me up.
Once when I was on a trip my cousin (who has a strong Jersey accent) and me (Okie accent) asked a British person if they could tell the difference and she said all Americans sound the same to her. Any input from the Internationals here?</p>

<p>Ooh I’m here! Well, a Southern accent sounds different than a Northern one, but that’s largely the limit of our discernment. :)</p>

<p>But you know, Indian accents differ too! Cause we have 1452 languages and a shade of one or the other of it creeps into our accents when we talk in English. And then add in whether you’re urban or suburban and it’s a huuuuge difference.</p>

<p>Quasi: I have one!! Being malayali and all haha. Yay for southern roots!! The accents sardarji’s have crack me up!!
and agreed. It always creeps into my english despite the fact that I’ve lived in the US for almost nine years…</p>

<p>Haha. Southern accents crack me up too. :p</p>

<p>haha. they do… but mine isn’t as thick as most southerners. Also I lived in Bangalore and Delhi for the longest time, so most people , even Indians, can’t figure out if I’m from the South or the North.</p>