Stanford 2014 SCEAers

<p>You know what’s sad in several ways? I’m actually counting on a Stanford acceptance for a pick-me-up the beginning of next week.</p>

<p>New 30 Seconds to Mars out for realz now! leakedness doesnt count</p>

<p>So much homework. Every class is like project, test, final. I’m so sick of projects! AHH!!!</p>

<p>But the Yalies are nice. I decided to extend well wishes to them. Yale being my 3rd choice? Possibly 4th.</p>

<p>How do you guys feel about a 700 subject test score? I’m debating whether or not to take one in US History, and I don’t think I’ll do any worse than that, but not any better either.</p>

<p>the killersssss ftw. listening to their christmas singles haha.</p>

<p>700- ehhh depends on how many you already have. if you have 3 good ones, no need to take 4th. if you have 2 or less, then maybe should attempt it.</p>

<p>does anybody else have an ad from collegefootballwear or something on this page displaying stanford shirts/sweatshirts merchandise? lollllllll</p>

<p>I got a 740 on all my subject test scores, so I guess I’d say that a 700 and above is good. Obviously 760 and above is great but I don’t think a 700 or above is bad personally.</p>

<p>btw anyone else buying those stylish Stanford briefs Prussia showed us with that link? I’ve already got them on rush delivery, and if I get an acceptance letter next week…well let’s just say I might end up being expelled from school for streaking…</p>

<p>PS:Btw if a Stanford Addcomm is reading this, once again that is a joke. I am not immature enough to engage in a stupid act that could jeopardize my academic record…but then again a Stanford acceptance…</p>



<p>I love you. That is amazing.</p>

<p>Haha, Diiv with the girl briefs.</p>

<p>you laugh now sfg2014, but when those Stanford senior girls shower me with their undying affection for my undergarments, I’ll be the one laughing lol.</p>

<p>Hi friends!
just wishing you all good luck from the yale scea thread!!

<p>no question the best REA decisions thread to date (AMAZING job Prussia!-!!!), but now, as I fill it out for rejection, “top choice major” or somthing of that nature might have been a good field to give some context to the ECs/Test Scores/Essays ect, of each applicant</p>

<p>haha im really sorry if i sound super picky i dont mean it that way, my bad for not suggesting it earlier…</p>

<p>and @Starmie, haha i went all the way and answered: “why do you think you were [a word i shall not utter here]” in my pre-post filling out</p>

<p>So I think that we sort of win in terms of niceness… :)</p>

<p>Also, why don’t we create a hybrid: Yalford 2014 SCEA Hopefuls? Anyone?</p>

<p>@rocker: YES PLEASE, haha i was just about to suggest something like that…</p>

<p>how about on like harvard’s forum? lol</p>

<p>That’s a cool suggestion. I’d add it if I could still edit the post, haha.</p>

<p>@Prussia! yea i know it’s kind of too late lol… what evs you did an amazing job as is though, it wont be somthing that feels like its missing, thats for sure</p>

<p>Aww thanks.
I’m gonna be really sad if we don’t both get in. You’re cool and I want to be buddies. :(</p>

<p>yes good job!</p>

<p>what’s this other thread everyone keeps talking about? and yeah you do seem like a cool person Prussia, thanks for all you’ve done!</p>

<p>@Prussia! haha - Aww thanks!</p>

<p>ahh, the double edged sword of friendship (haha hopefully im not moving too fast w/the “F” word, considering we haven’t even seen each other yet…): beautiful when it lasts, but sucks all the more when things come to an end be it December 15th or when we graduate in '14… I really really hope its the latter though :P</p>

<p>that goes for everyone here too… i <3 you all!! (cept diivio…)</p>

<p>jk <3, see you in stats tomorrow</p>

<p>lol using the term friends for people you haven’t met in real life does seem premature, but all of you do seem amazing. Hopefully we meet at Stanford and even if we don’t who knows we might even meet later on in life! How weird would that be?</p>