<p>can you guys gimme some reasons why one should/should not choose Stanford over Cornell human ecology (which I heard has a good premed program) or Brown Univ. or Harvard for premed/biological science major if he wanted to be a physician?
I understand like stanford has a great weather, a better reputation overall, and better college experiences....but what about in terms of getting good grades, test scores, job opportunities and stuff? heard it's hard to get a good grade at Cornell... ahh i dont kno what im talkin bout..if you have some good reasons pleaz reply. Oh and merry Christmas~!</p>
<p>If you turn out to be one of the rare few who get this choice, just go with your gut, you can't go wrong.</p>
<p>Stanford has better weather, a better reputation, has a better college expeience AND its easier to get good grades!! How could you not choose it over Cornell?</p>
<p>Because Cornell is amazing. Go with whatever you feel more comfortable with.</p>
<p>BTW, the weather really isnt that bad, honestly.</p>
<p>yea lol i really dont think the weather is a big factor since i dont like hot weathers n e way..but i heard u g2 study harder to get an A at cornell than at stanford so..hm..</p>
<p>You should try visiting those, I know it's difficult if you do live on one end of the country, but what could be worse than going to Stanford or Cornell because they are the best in a specified area and then hating living there? You're going to be there for the next four years and you don't want any regrets. It all comes down to what kind of living environment you want to live in and all that kind of stuff. So you should research every aspect not just academics. If you're okay living anywhere then go to Cornell.</p>