<p>These are two factors that are on the verge of making me cross Cornell off my list (I really don't want to, because I know what a great place it is, but everytime I think of these aspects of the school, I don't see myself there). The other two schools I am considering are Stanford and Haverford. </p>
<p>1) Weather: extremely long and brutal winters are foreign to me. I am from Oregon, where we hardly ever get any snow. If we do, it doesn't last long at all. This seems to be a huge part of whether or not I will be a happy student. Additionally, if I attend Cornell, I feel I would always be thinking: I could have palm trees in Palo Alto right now...</p>
<p>2) Transportation: this is another huge factor. Living in Oregon, flying home is EXTREMELY difficult and expensive. There are no direct flights, and I would have to make SEVERAL flight changes on my way home. This is a major issue because I plan to come home during my breaks, and the $$$ will be a big problem...not to mention it taking up to 20 hours to fly home or fly back to Cornell from Oregon (layovers, flight changes... it all adds up A LOT). </p>
<p>What are your guys' thoughts? I plan to study Biology/Bioengineering on a pre-med track at the CALS. Should I still seriously consider Cornell? Even visiting seems like such a burden due to the long flight time. Thanks in advance.</p>