<p>blah it's over</p>
<p>anyways, what was your APM? what were your favorite types of strategies and what was your win/loss ratio?</p>
<p>i used to play protoss a lot but then i went to zerg on the last day and noticed that i played a lot better with around 60 APM. i usually like 4v4 the most. And I like raiding with mutalisks - light units that could be withdrawn at any time. though I usually get 1.5 to 2 losses for each win (a lot better than my ratios in FPS games though, heh)</p>
<p>This makes me discouraged to get SC2
I’ll get on bnet and be slaughtered by the beta players haha. I didn’t get into beta, want the thrill of getting the game to be unspoiled…what’s it been, like, 12 years?</p>
<p>I’m a very casual gamer. Also, I only played the beta for 3 days before it went down since I just got a new computer capable of playing it. My APM sits around 50-70. I’ve tried out all 3 races but found Terran preferable. I combine pretty much every unit when playing though I will mass certain things if needed. I didn’t get to play much but my 1v1 record sits at 6-2. Make sure to shoot me a pm with your email and ign so I can catch you in game sometime bro.</p>