Starting college as a junior?

<p>Okay, here's the scoop. I'm a senior in high school. With AP credits from my junior year I hope to have 17 hours of college under my belt. Next semester (fall) I am taking 6 hours of concurrent enrollment. In the spring I am taking 7-9 hours. Plus I expect another 3 hours (at least) of AP credit for my senior year.</p>

<p>Anyway, that credit right there would be enough for one year of college (I forgot to mention 1 intersession course, as well, coming in January). If I took CLEP tests, I could get another 30-36 credits, completing my first two years of college.</p>

<p>I am planning on going to school for a bachelor's degree in communication sciences and disorders (speech-language pathology). I suppose my question is this: would it be worth it for me to try all of the CLEP tests? I would only need to brush up on my knowledge of the subjects...I have taken all of the courses in high school. Would it be beneficial for me? I'd sure love to get those two years out of the way so I could get going on my major courses. I know that speech pathology is what I am going to do...I'm not terribly interested in spending two years repeating courses I took in high school.</p>

<p>These are the tests I plan on taking:
College Algebra
English Literature
American Literature
Analyzing Literature

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>I would recommend talking to the college councilors at the schools where you are applying to ensure those schools are ok with starting you of with junior status.</p>

<p>A lot of schools cap credits that can be applied towards advancing at 30 or 45 hours. Furthermore, not everything might be recognized. Public schools should take everything though. Definitely check before you embark on this endeavor.</p>

<p>Yes, I have an appointment set up for next week. The thing that might be concerning in the fact that the first two years of college are completed on the main campus, and junior and senior years are taken at the health sciences center (for my degree). So I would essentially be starting at the health center, so I am not sure how the university would view that.</p>

<p>Many high school graduates have enough credits (dual enrollment, CLEP, AP, IB) for junior standing.</p>

<p>however, you still need to apply as an incoming freshmen for best opportunities for scholarships and financial aid. Don’t apply as a transfer student.</p>

<p>The more rigorous the college, the less they will accept in terms of credit. Northwestern’s website, for example, states pretty clearly that no credit is awarded for a class if a student also received high school credit, so at that school, your dual enrollment classes don’t advance you. That’s not to say they aren’t good experiences, just don’t bank on them shortening your program much. A credit cap was already mentioned.</p>

<p>Finally, be advised that sometimes, even at state schools, credit for APs might be elective credit. You’d still be a junior, but would also still have almost your whole program to do. I was looking at a state school’s website the other day (I think one of the Missouri Us). And what you got credit for was determined by the AP score. A 4 was a “history elective” but a 5 was a particular history class. Talk about confusing. </p>

<p>Finally, if you’re talking about a 2 + 2 program in health sciences (rad tech, med tech, etc), you may find the university will require 30 hours or so from them before granting a degree. My daughter is looking at those fields. She can’t go right to the hospital program and then expect a BA from a place she hasn’t technically attended. </p>

<p>Great questions to ask at your appointment. I’m sure you’ll impress admissions!</p>

<p>Let me clarify…my college courses I will be taking while in high school are not dual credit, they are concurrent. I do not get high school credit for them. It’s in addition to my high school classes. :slight_smile: It’d be nice to get high school credit for them, but sadly my district doesn’t do that.</p>

<p>The meeting went very well. My plan is doable, although the advisor does not know of anyone who has tried something similar before. I guess I’ll be the first! Plans to keep in touch with admissions have been created, and an invitation to the college’s open house will be in the mail later this year. </p>

<p>Applications are due March 1st, so I have a lot to do in the next semester! I’m very excited!</p>

<p>Even if you apply to college with lots of AP, dual enrollment, concurrent credit, and CLEP credits, you still apply as an incoming freshmen (even tho the school will soon list you as having junior standing.)</p>

<p>So, still apply as an incoming freshman!</p>

<p>You WANT to apply as an incoming freshman for the best aid and best scholarships.<br>
You’ll still get to graduate quicker (or take a second major).</p>

<p>I may not be eligible for the freshman scholarships. The place I am applying to (the health campus) doesn’t even use ACT scores (since everyone already has college transcripts). I don’t know if I can still apply for the scholarships, but you can sure bet I’m going to try!</p>

<p>i can’t believe you can get college credit for algebra and precalculus</p>

<p>Yep, you can get credit for college algebra and precalculus. And precalc is the highest level math course I need!</p>

<p>At DD’s college, CLEP tests can only be taken before a student has 30 credits. It seems as though your credits will all be credited at once, so it shouldn’t affect you. The big thing for the health sciences will probably completing any prerequisites. Good luck!</p>

<p>MD MOM, </p>

<p>Yes, there are prerequisites that the CLEP tests won’t cover. Some will be covered with AP tests, and the rest I’ll be taking concurrently in the next year (and next summer, as well). The meeting I had with the advisor really allowed me to figure out exactly when the classes need to be taken (and I learned that I can take classes all the way up until starting at the college in the fall, long after applying and acceptance!).</p>

<p>*I may not be eligible for the freshman scholarships. The place I am applying to (the health campus) doesn’t even use ACT scores (since everyone already has college transcripts). I don’t know if I can still apply for the scholarships, but you can sure bet I’m going to try! *</p>

<p>Don’t just apply to one school. You may change your mind between now and next spring - believe me - kids change their minds many, many times during their senior years.</p>

<p>So, still apply to a few schools that will give you generous merit scholarships for your stats.</p>

<p>What are your stats?</p>

<p>Well, this is the only school in my state that offers the program I am going into. </p>

<p>My stats? Let’s see…31 ACT, 3.98 GPA, top 10% class rank. I’m not exactly sure just what information you are looking for…if I left out something you would like to know, please tell me. </p>
