<p>Well, Im an overly ambitious freshman that is getting a jump on college selection, even though I am aware my opinions will change in the next four years, I just want to make sure I am getting my high school career started out on the right foot, so I can hopefully go to Cornell, which at the moment, is my top choice.
For freshman year I am taking:
Algebra II Honors
Biology Honors
English Honors
World History I/II <em>Honors not available</em>
Spanish I <em>Honors not available</em></p>
<p>At my school I am unable to take AP courses for awhile, but I plan to when the time comes around. I do not participate in sports, but I do plan on doing several extra curricular activities including:
Scholar Bowl
Science Club
Big Brothers/Big Sisters
Saturday Scholars
Math Team
Speech Team
<em>I am considering adding Student Council</em></p>
<p>My Explorer test result
which I guess is like the baby ACT? :
The score range is 1-25, 25 being perfect.
English- 25
Math- 24
Reading- 23
Science- 21
My composite score was 23.</p>
<p>My overall career goal at the moment is to become a neonatal surgeon, so, with the courses I am taking and extra curricular activities, am I getting high school started off correctly? I am a Caucasian female, and yes, I WILL enjoy high school and not stress <em>too</em> much! (: I would greatly appreciate any advice/opinions! Thanks!</p>