Starting Sept 1 of JR year

<p>Can coaches start the email conversations?</p>

<p>Thanks. (btw if it matters The sport is track)</p>

<p>Coaches can respond to emails and take phone calls from student-athletes. However, they cannot return phone calls, even if a messge is left.</p>

<p>Okay but they can’t send you an email if you don’t send them one? Then what is a good way to start a convo with a coach via email then? I already filled out the questionnaire.</p>

<p>I would just introduce yourself and express your interest in the school and team. Do a little research on the coach and team and maybe mention a recent accomplishment or record from this past season. You can include a brief resume that has your important information: height, weight, gpa, class rank, test scores (if available) and athletic information. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t hear back right away, some coaches respond quickly, others take their time. I would continue to email the coaches at schools you are really interested in attending when you have updates, such as competition results, test scores, etc.</p>

<p>After sept. 1st they can send you an email, too. But I wouldn’t count on it… And the best thing to do is to follow up the questionnaire with a personal email - it shows that you’re actually interested.</p>

<p>Coaches are allowed to email after Sept. 1 of your junior year.</p>