Starting to consider plan for S22

S22 is interested in nursing. I don’t think direct admit or a nursing major will work for him because 1) he’s not 100% on nursing as a career and might want to explore a bit, 2) he wants to have an undergrad experience that includes drumline or varsity soccer and these are very time-consuming activities. Given that his undergrad is paid for (thank you Grandma and Grandpa), we are fine with paying for additional schooling if necessary. Can anyone help us understand what his options are? Can he major in a science and do a fifth year accelerated program? What science should he major in? Are some schools better than others for preparing their grads for a nursing program? I’m thinking large school (marching band) vs. small liberal arts college (D2/3 soccer). This is all new territory for me and I appreciate any guidance.

Look at a nursing program. Outside of the nursing classes they usually have anatomy and physiology, chemistry, microbiology, nutrition, psychology and statistics. As long as he covers most of those classes he will have the science basis to move to an accelerated program without having to retake core subjects. You could also look at an accelerated program and see what they ask for in their application. As long as most of the core science classes are covered I do not think the major matters. It can be biology, some type of pre-health major, kinesthesiology or something different. I would just make sure the science classes he takes are at the appropriate level to count for his accelerated degree. However, he will need to apply to the accelerated program and there will be competition. He will need to have good gpa, some health related extracurricular, write strong essays etc. Generally speaking nursing students can do sports/other activities for the first two years before clinicals start. Maybe have some conversation about this, how set he is about doing 4 years of band/sports versus 2.

Thank you this is very helpful and gives us some things to think about. I hope the grades are not going to be an issue now and going forward, he had a rough freshman year, but seems to be back on track and is enjoying participating in HOSA.

Just throwing another somewhat not talked about or known option but direct entry second degree nursing programs are growing across the US.

These are typically 5-6 semester nursing programs that a student enters into AFTER they complete a bachelors in some other discipline. However, there are certain courses that are required in the undergrad(your basic sciences, anatomy, nutrition, etc). These post bachelors programs are either BSN or MSN (only to get RN not NP) but often cost up to $50k or more and as its grad school, less scholarships available.

I would definitely look at the accelerated Nursing programs at various schools. We spoke to a student athlete who did something similar at a school in FL. She completely her BS while playing softball and then went back to do the same school’s accelerated Nursing program after. I am not certain what all schools require for the Accelerated Program. If memory serves me correctly, most require around a 3.0 GPA but not certain it has to be in a certain major. Good luck!

Since there’s money for that second bachelors through and ABSN program, that may be a great option. He can get the prereqs done while he finishes any major. And going that route gives him more time to decide if nursing is really what he wants to do. Sounds like a win-win to me.