stat ph.D chances?

<p>Current senior at HYP.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.50/4.00
Major GPA: 3.63/4.00 (expected)</p>

<p>Math and stat courses taken:
Freshman year, I took the honors sequence:
Advanced linear algebra: B+
Advanced calculus (I guess?): C+</p>

<p>I really don't know how I did so badly in that class.</p>

<p>Sophomore year:
Functional analysis and optimization theory: A
Non-Euclidean geometry: A-
Probability theory: A
Graph theory and Combinatorics: A
Differential Equations: A-</p>

<p>Junior year:
Probability theory (graduate course): B+
Abstract Algebra I: A-
Complex Analysis: A-
Stochastic Processes: A-
Algebraic Combinatorics (junior tutorial): B+</p>

<p>Senior year:
Graduate Real Analysis: A.
Statistical Inference: Currently taking.</p>

<p>I'm majoring in math but I have a leaning toward statistics.</p>

<p>What are my chances of getting into a good stat ph.D program? I'm currently looking at UToronto, UBC, Stanford, Cambridge, and University of Auckland. I'm going to apply next year (as you can see I have a leaning toward statistics). Are my grades good enough to bother try? How badly will my C+ affect me? I'm really ****ed off about that grade because it brings down my GPA too.</p>

<p>But yeah I don't know where I stand compared to other applicants.</p>


<p>Your grades won’t keep you out of those schools</p>

<p>I just don’t see any independent research experience in your profile</p>

<p>I did an REU my freshman year but that was in graph theory. This summer I’m participating in the RIPS-Hong Kong program, which is relevant independent research experience because I’ll be doing statistical analysis.</p>

<p>You’d definitely have a shot after doing the RIPS-Hong Kong program. I say go for it.</p>

<p>I am curious as what your opinions of university of auckland’s and cambridge’s math departments are. I am also considering going abroad for math grad school, especially new zealand. I went there during high school and loved it!</p>

<p>Yeah, after disclosing that, go for it. If you were lacking those experiences, your application would be a lot (lot) weaker.</p>

<p>will an honors thesis help? I’m finishing up my thesis (topic: functional analysis applied to markov chain convergence mixing times) in the next week.</p>