DD17 has already taken ACT and received a 33/10 writing. Tomorrow is the state mandated ACT testing and she doesn’t want to take it this time since there is no writing section. She would like to retake it later with writing. Do you know what happens if she doesn’t show up to the test? We know that there is a make up date, but she has her IB test on that date. She is worried that if she takes it tomorrow, she will not do well. She prefers to practice over the summer and take it again in Sept. Any information is appreciated.
Why not just take it? It’s a free test and it provides more feedback and practice. If you don’t like the score you can always delete it from the the ACT system entirely.
I don’t think you can delete the state mandated ACT test based on this website: http://www.actstudent.org/faq/delete.html
“(Note: Students may not delete scores used to document participation in State and District Testing.)”
I think for certain schools you have to provide all your grades and a bad grade that you can’t delete wouldn’t look good.
@lonetreegrad true. But you could simply decide not to add the test score to her ACT student account. State tests don’t automatically go up online, you have to enter a code manually. If you don’t do that, her score won’t show up in her account.
Besides if she got a 33 last time she’ll probably do well this time as well. Also, in my school, people who skipped the state mandated ACT were pretty much forced to give a make-up ACT. Check if her school has a policy like that.