Stating major/essay dilemma

<p>I'm not even applying till May, but I've started working on my Univ. of Maryland transfer essay, in which I put emphasis on the fact that I love to write, and aspire to be a writer someday; however on my application I am undecided as to what major to state, since word on the street says that putting Letters and Sciences (Undecided) increases chances of acceptance, whereas if I put English they might not accept me for several reasons, like they have already accepted so many English majors, or whatever.</p>

<p>I could put Letters/Sciences as first choice, English as second? Stupid thread I know, but give me some advice.</p>

<p>Well... you might have to examine the credibility of the source that gives you those information first before you jump into accepting or rejecting it. Either you should or should not put down the major on the application is really up to you but one thing you should know is that choosing a major is crucial part so advice is to go with your interest!</p>