Statistics course online transferable to a Community College?

<p>Hello Everyone, I'm currently attending a community college and have the majority of my GE requirements taken in order to transfer to a CSU or UC. Right now I need the following courses: speech, english, and math (statistics) to transfer. Right now I have a 3.8 gpa, but Math has always been a problem for me and may potentially be holding me back if I cannot pass it.</p>

<p>Anyway, in order to take statistics I need to complete a two prerequisite courses. I'm currently enrolled in an accelerated course, which covered both 9 weeks for one 9weeks for the other. However, the course is moving faster than I anticipated. We are having our first exam next week Tuesday, which I can hopefully use to gauge abilities better. This exam will undoubtedly offer me some comfort, or the knowledge that I need to work harder than I currently am to succeed. This is my "plan a" so I'm looking for other options should this plan fall through, as I would prefer not wasting another entire semester.</p>

<p>I've looked into taking statistics online, and then transferring the credits to my community college, and found this website:
Microeconomics</a> Online Course - Take an Economics Course Online - StraighterLine</p>

<p>The site offers a list of school that accept courses taken at straighterline, and my college is listed. Although I would prefer to talk with a counselor at my school prior to taking the course. My question is has anyone ever done this who can offer some insight, or possibly recommend another institution.</p>