Stats 21 with which professor?

<p>So I'm still trying to decide if I should take Stats with Ibser or with Bhatnagar. I heard that the curve for Ibser is brutal, and that Bhatnagar is sometimes very boring. Can people give me some advice?
I'd greatly appreciate it.</p>

<p>Currently I’m enrolled in Stats 21 with Bhatnagar and I decided for her because of the better grading style (20% HW, 30% Midterms, 50% Final). However, her class is very full from when I last saw it/remembered and you might have a better chance of getting into Ibser’s class instead of Bhatnagar’s because of the fact that his curve is worse. Unless you’re really needed to take Stats this semester, I would wait for another time and try to enroll in it earlier.</p>