Stem to MBA at UA

My son is a freshman and is in STEM MBA. Ideally, he will be graduating in 2021 and completing his stem to MBA in 2022. Else, if he wants to complete both in 2021 he has to load himself with too many courses even in summer. I had a question, he wants to do his masters in some other University after completing his majors in chemical engineering. But if he completes his MBA in 2022 will it be a problem for him to take admission in 2023 for masters. Will that year be considered as a gap for Masters admission?is there any other option for this so that it does not look like a gap? Has anyone else done masters after undergraduate and stem MBA?

I don’t understand why a gap is needed, but I particularly don’t understand why a gap is a bad thing. I had a two year gap between getting my bachelor’s degree and starting on my master’s, and found that working for two years in between was a very positive thing that made me a much better student. While I didn’t go for an MBA, I would think that for an MBA having some work experience before doing the MBA would be an even greater benefit. How can you learn how to manage workers if you have never been a worker?

Also, you should be aware that plans can change between now and 2021. I also have a child who is a freshman right now, and I have no illusion that her current plans will still be her plans in 4 years. Of course this can differ between kids. Some students do stay on the same course from freshman year though master’s degree. I would be very surprised if this is a majority.

So are you saying that he will take a year in between getting the MBA and starting the masters, or are you concerned that the year in which he’s working on the MBA would be considered a “gap?” If the latter, that’s not a gap - he’s still in school. If the former, I guess it depends what he’s doing in the meantime. If he’s basking on a beach, he might have to explain it. If he’s working in his field, that’s probably a good thing.

This is a confusing OP.

Are you referring to another Master’s degree apart from the MBA?

I understand what you are saying. I don’t have any firsthand experience, but I cannot imagine it would be a problem to get the stem-mba in the 5th year and then go on to a masters in chem e. It certainly would not be considered a gap year. Those are when you are not in school, and are typically after HS before college. People often take a few years after a bachelors before getting their masters, and they don’t refer to those years as gap years. Anyway, in my opinion, it would not matter at all. In fact, that is what my child might do at UA.

Thank you so much everyone for replying. i think we are now clear that, one year will not matter as a gap since he is still in school.