Anyone who's in the STEM path to MBA

So I’m interested in learning about Business administration. I think it’d be useful.

But I’m not really sure if I’d wanna stay for another year, pay all that money, and get the MBA degree. I know about the 700 GMAT scholarship, but I’m not sure how easy or hard that is to get.

So my question is, is the STEM path to MBA useful? Do you really learn important stuff in those 1.5 hour classes every semester? I don’t know whether I should apply to this program.

Keep in mind that you can drop out of the “Stem Path to the MBA” program at any time. My son initially thought he might want to complete the full program, but left after three semesters due to a variety of reasons. However, he really liked the 1.5 hour classes and got a LOT out of them. He found them very valuable and felt that he got a “business edge” to balance out his STEM education, even though he took only three classes.

My daughter really, really likes her STEM-MBA classes and has learned tons of helpful material that is useful whether you stay in the program or not.

My son may be entering college this fall. When do you apply?

FYI- The actual rules for the scholarships tend to change frequently and ahead of the posted information. Contact Rob Morgan, the program director, for the most up to date information:

@perch1024 I think you can apply once you’re admitted to the Honors College

Another thing to be aware of - The 1.5 credit course each semester also counts as Honors credit.

My son was in the program for 5 semesters. He then did a co-op and decided the MBA path is not what he wants currently. He has dropped out of the program. If he had to do it over again, he wouldn’t change a thing. Besides the class, the program brings speakers to campus for small group meetings and has off campus tours of various businesses.

The 700 GMAT scholarship is no longer current information. I’m a current senior in the program (so final, MBA year next year), and my class was the last one that guaranteed a scholarship based on a 700 on the GMAT. No word on how scholarships will be distributed in years to come, however, all of my friends who did not get a 700 GMAT are applying for Graduate Assistantships, on-campus jobs that pay a monthly stipend. Some of those GA positions cover tuition, but that varies depending on the position. (All this to say that it’s not necessarily true that you will have to pay full-freight for the MBA semesters).

If it’s something you’re interested in, I would recommend going for it. Like others have said, you can drop out of the program later on if you decide it isn’t the path you want to pursue. You’ll gain teamwork and presentation experience that you generally don’t in undergraduate programs. You can apply as soon as you’re accepted into the Honors College, and it’s a pretty straightforward application (website found here:

Thanks, everybody. I’m just gonna try it out.

@MathMajorUA Is the admission automatic if you have the stats? It says 3.5 GPA and 28 ACT.
I have 3.9 and 1450 on the SAT. So will I be automatically in if I apply? Or is the essay super important?

@wolfwing123 I’ve never heard of anyone with the stats not getting in as long as there are still seats in the freshman class (usually, seats don’t fill up completely until May or June). I think you should put some thought into the essay portion, but I feel like “essay” is a misnomer. It can really be like 2-3 sentences explaining why you think the program is valuable to you and what you would like to do in the future.