Stereotypes -- 2

<p>hahahaha oh MMood, thats great... really, a well thought out response on your part.
I love how your resort to your test scores to validate your english comprehension - classic college confidential right there. Personally, I think one should try to use proper grammar all the time. Being on an online forum is no excuse to become incomprehensible. </p>

<p>Well, there is just so much to comment on, but there are two main points I'd like to make. You say that sciences are the reason we have the humanities in the first place and that society cannot function without science. Really? How is that? It might be clear to you, but it isn't so much for me, so please explain this.</p>

<p>Second, you have an obviously warped idea of society. I say this because of the following statement of yours: "I really don't think you're going to benefit society in the least because you'll be making 20,000 as a janitor come by graduation fool.
First, you seem to be implying that income has a direct relation on how much benefit you will be to society. And I know that what you seem to be saying and what you later say that you were actually saying are two opposite things, but I would only point out that teachers are not very well compensated in our society. Second, and much more importantly, you really should not be ridiculing janitors, trashmen, and other service workers. Your precious science-based society could not function without them, I assure you. </p>

<p>I could go on for quite a while on the ramifications of what you are implying, but I won't for now. However, I will leave you with this:
are you blind or just stupid?
All you do in your posts is bash other people's intellect

<p>See anything wrong with these two statements?</p>

<p>i love how you resort to your psychology major to show how smart you are. </p>

<p>i've already explained in a previous post why the sciences are the reasons for the humanities. the university system originated in the middle east as centers of scientifical information i.e. algebra, physics, medicine. not to read english books and view other's opinions on how great socrates was.</p>

<p>frankly, without science and technological advances you would not be where youa re today. while the liberal arts are "broadening" their minds, the sciences and maths are providing a utilitarian use for society. That said, look at all the english/psychology/philosophy/geology/anthropology/art majors that end up in dismal failure after college. 30 years ago, some of these majors actually had chances for getting a decent job, but nowadays you can expect working as an insurance agent or curator at a museum. </p>

<p>you can see that society respects the science and math majors more than the liberal arts because they get paid much more.</p>

<p>unless you go to grad school, you cannot do anything with these majors and many of these liberal ats majors do not realize this come by graduation time. and when you do enter these grad schools, most of the time your focus is going to be on something that has no utilitarian use for the major you had in undergrad. </p>

<p>and icarus, i resorted to my sat scores because that is probably the best indication of my verbal reasoning and ability at this point. I don't need to prove my grammar skills to you because I really don't care, this is an internet forum. Anyone who stresses over "bad grammar" needs to get a life. The primary purpose for language is for communication. Some people like to complicate the entire language by using arcane vocabulary and abstract syntax in their sentences. It's then when you're really missing the point of language. </p>

<p>And it is true that income has a direct correlation to how much you will benefit society. It's like a pyramid diagram really. You have the professionals at the top and they're very few and at the very bottom you have the majority of laborers (like janitors, trashmen, etc). When we have a surplus of uneducated workers, we can pay them less, and, thus, you have many of them. Versus a medical doctor who is directly responsible for other people's lives. </p>

<p>Teachers start out with low salaries but they have very comfortable lives. They may start out at 25,000 but you forget that they get several vacations, summer vacation being the major one, and have a pretty low stress job. They get paid for the amount of time they work and the level of education they are teaching additionally. Not to mention job security.</p>

<p>icarus you have a superiority complex in all your posts trying to shut other people up when they make their arguments and then tell them you're a philosophy major (oh sorry was that a run-on sentence?). I don't nkow (oh whoops i spelled that wrong ha ha) if philosophy majors are gifts from god, but from your narrow and obtuse replys I don't see any depth in your arguments.</p>

<p>Man, when I saw its title, I thought that this thread would be about race relations. Turns out it's full of ignorant people who believe in 'biological gender differences' and other sh-t. Wake up and smell the coffee, it's the 21st century.
Now on to the college talk...</p>

<p>Society doesn't respect business majors and they get paid much more than science majors :(. You don't see too many CEO's in big ass corporations benefiting society much with their big ass million dollar salaries and adversiting of their ****ty catchy commercials (THAT I CAN'T GET OUT OF MY HEAD!).</p>

<p>Money makes the world go round.</p>

<p>First, you can't do much with a bachelor's science degree either. </p>

<p>But more importantly to the discussion, your little pyramid example doesn't prove anything about your point. It just notes how many of various positions there are, not their benefit to society.
And you're still wrong that humanities have no benefit to society. In fact, I would argue that society could not function without them. You yourself used the idea of utility (a ::gasp:: philosophical idea) in your arguments. Perhaps you should learn some philosophy so you can properly apply the principle of utility and understand its limitations and problems.</p>

<p>Anyway MMood, I'm done arguing with you. You should really calm down - just because someone disagrees with you, they don't have a superiority complex. I don't know why you don't see the depth in my arguments, but whatever. That's not my concern. I only offer my arguments in the hope that you will see the logic behind them.</p>

<p>You do kind of act superior in your arguements icarus, but I very much agree with your point</p>

<p>I'm gonna double major in philosphy. Physics and philosphy... damn I'm gonna remain poor my whole life :(.</p>

<p>I think that people (like myself) that are majoring in Economics are out of the box thinkers that are interested in theoretical matters and have interest in theory rather than application.</p>