<p>hahahaha oh MMood, thats great... really, a well thought out response on your part.
I love how your resort to your test scores to validate your english comprehension - classic college confidential right there. Personally, I think one should try to use proper grammar all the time. Being on an online forum is no excuse to become incomprehensible. </p>
<p>Well, there is just so much to comment on, but there are two main points I'd like to make. You say that sciences are the reason we have the humanities in the first place and that society cannot function without science. Really? How is that? It might be clear to you, but it isn't so much for me, so please explain this.</p>
<p>Second, you have an obviously warped idea of society. I say this because of the following statement of yours: "I really don't think you're going to benefit society in the least because you'll be making 20,000 as a janitor come by graduation fool.
First, you seem to be implying that income has a direct relation on how much benefit you will be to society. And I know that what you seem to be saying and what you later say that you were actually saying are two opposite things, but I would only point out that teachers are not very well compensated in our society. Second, and much more importantly, you really should not be ridiculing janitors, trashmen, and other service workers. Your precious science-based society could not function without them, I assure you. </p>
<p>I could go on for quite a while on the ramifications of what you are implying, but I won't for now. However, I will leave you with this:
are you blind or just stupid?
All you do in your posts is bash other people's intellect</p>
<p>See anything wrong with these two statements?</p>