<p>Stereotypes exist for a reason -- there is a truth behind them. They may be largely exaggerated and misleading, but normally it is beneficial to know what stereotypes exist and, more importantly, why.</p>
<p>I am speaking as a high school senior about common conceptions and stereotypes at college, especially with regards to the "type" or personality of people that study specific fields, be them law, medicine, business, etc.</p>
<p>From your experiences, what "type" of people tend to go into certain fields? I've often heard that engineers are "their own breed." I believe that knowing some of these stereotypes would be beneificial in helping me to decide some classes that I might want to explore.</p>
<p>If anyone has anything to offer, such as "shy bookworms do this, workaholics do this, the party'ers do this, etc.," it would be appreciated . Or anything related to this. I am assuming a connection between personality and likely career here.</p>
<p>This thread is intended to remain on topic. I ask that people look a little further than the title of this post and try to remain on topic and perhaps provide some helpful advice and beneficial discussion for me on this.</p>
<p>Thank you for your cooperation.**</p>