What stereotypes exist in college?

<p>specifically, for the people who decide to major in these:
(don't have to do one for all of them haha)</p>

any more interesting ones to add the list...</p>

<p>I don’t think there are any actual stereotypes that people genuinely believe to be true. But…I might be overestimating some people.</p>

<p>I came up with some silly stereotypes for fun:</p>

<p>Math - Nerd
Psychology - Dr. Phil in the making, hopefully, with more hair
Sociology - Will never get a job
Business - Destined to work as a CVS shift manager
History - So boring that I can’t even come up with a stereotype
English - Grammar Nazi and sentence-forming elitist
Engineerin/CS - Nerdier nerd than the math nerd
Biology - Fungus poker
Journalism - Josie Grossie
Pre-med/Pre-law - Money hungry</p>

<p>^ half of those are so un-true lol.</p>

<p>anyways. I just know girls who do broadcasting/journalism are pleasing to the eye. 9 out of 10 times.</p>

<p>^ lol i wonder why this is so</p>

<p>I’m not in college and I didn’t put any thought into these:</p>

<p>Math- Nerd Alert
Psychology- Hard to be friends with
Sociology- Hard worker who will make less than you
Business- Competitive workaholic
History- Reads a lot and will grow facial hair
English- Thespian
Engineering/CS- Nerd Alert
Biology- People with freakish memories
Journalism- epitome of a type A
Premed/Prelaw- Will be disappointed when they see their rejection letters or you’ll never see them because they’re studying all of the time</p>

<p>The sad part is, I have been in half of these majors…before switching for the ninetieth time.</p>

<p>Political Science anyone?</p>

<p>^ what is the stereotype for that?</p>

<p>Math - 99% nerds / 1% bored genius (if you have to ask which one you are, you’re the nerd)
Psychology - mix of students who never figured out what they wanted to pursue and a few really intense kids double majoring with this and something else
Sociology - athletes and kids with jobs lined up by their parents
Business - the kids who wore business attire BEFORE they found out it was required and/or are obsessed with money
History - Kids who like to read too much
English - pretentious kids and kids who’ve accepted they will be teaching
Engineering/CS - higher order geeks and south asian kids
Biology - kids who’ve wanted to be doctors since they were 13
Journalism - either have read too much or too little Hunter S. Thompson
Premed/Prelaw - not a major?</p>

<p>and some others…</p>

<p>Philosophy - The stoners who want to make a career (only to find out later they will have none) out of their favorite pastime. Goatee and glasses mandatory
[insert region/ethnic group] studies - kids who are really obsessed about their heritage or kids who wished they could have a different one
Nursing - girls who realize it’s not as hard as med school, but a solid career, and they get to graduate sooner.</p>



<p>I am a math major and neither a nerd nor a genius.</p>

<p>How do you define “nerd” anyway?</p>

<p>EDIT: Will reform post when I have time</p>



<p>You’ve got me, BetterThanYouAre. Both are going to be true after I get the liberal arts degree LOL.</p>

<p>Professional Communication: Very sociable and charming. Not known for their intellect.</p>

<p>lol these are just guesses</p>

<p>math - smart, crazy, likes juggling
cs - lazy, but programmed a lot for fun in high school
engineering - depends on the type. chemEs are masochistic and mechEs like to build robots
biology - bad at physics
premed - obsessed with gpa
humanities - nobody really majors in the humanities here, unless it’s a double major</p>



<p>I know what I want to do, but I’m getting a minor instead of a double major :)</p>

<p>What about: Art, Theater, Political science</p>


Doesn’t the same go for premed and med school?</p>

<p>Naw because you have to do all of the premed courses</p>



<p>Then I will!</p>

<p>Womens’ Studies: “Feminist” women that hate men and/or are lesbians. Not butch, but not uber feminine, either. Don’t wear makeup and/or shave. Look for flaws in all men, and believe women can do no wrong.</p>

<p>I’ve met a few WS majors and none of them are like that, but I’ve also met a bunch of idiots that think that is true.</p>

<p>@student01 - In most colleges there is no “pre-Med” or “pre-Law” major. You can major in ANY major and do those. However, pre-Meds must do Gen Chem I and II, Bio I and II, Physics I and II, Organic Chem I and II, English/Writing I and II, and 1-2 Semesters of Calc, so there is a “pre med track”. With Law School you can take whatever classes you want, and studies show pre-Law majors do terribly on the LSAT (law schools hate when you study law for undergrad). Just clearing it up since so many people think these are majors. </p>

<p>Anthropology - hippies, they’re always hippies! </p>

<p>Elementary Education - lots of of friendly and bubbly pretty girls from what i’ve seen</p>

<p>Asian Studies - In my experience, this major is dominated by White students who love Asian culture…the actual Asians are doing harder majors haha :stuck_out_tongue:

don’t know about law, but med is horrible if your goal is money. my dad got a BA and made more money in finance than i’ll ever hope to make after 15 years of higher education and giving up my twenties lol</p>



<p>Someone who is either a math or CS/engineering major. </p>
