<p>I don’t think there are any actual stereotypes that people genuinely believe to be true. But…I might be overestimating some people.</p>
<p>I came up with some silly stereotypes for fun:</p>
<p>Math - Nerd
Psychology - Dr. Phil in the making, hopefully, with more hair
Sociology - Will never get a job
Business - Destined to work as a CVS shift manager
History - So boring that I can’t even come up with a stereotype
English - Grammar Nazi and sentence-forming elitist
Engineerin/CS - Nerdier nerd than the math nerd
Biology - Fungus poker
Journalism - Josie Grossie
Pre-med/Pre-law - Money hungry</p>
<p>I’m not in college and I didn’t put any thought into these:</p>
<p>Math- Nerd Alert
Psychology- Hard to be friends with
Sociology- Hard worker who will make less than you
Business- Competitive workaholic
History- Reads a lot and will grow facial hair
English- Thespian
Engineering/CS- Nerd Alert
Biology- People with freakish memories
Journalism- epitome of a type A
Premed/Prelaw- Will be disappointed when they see their rejection letters or you’ll never see them because they’re studying all of the time</p>
<p>Math - 99% nerds / 1% bored genius (if you have to ask which one you are, you’re the nerd)
Psychology - mix of students who never figured out what they wanted to pursue and a few really intense kids double majoring with this and something else
Sociology - athletes and kids with jobs lined up by their parents
Business - the kids who wore business attire BEFORE they found out it was required and/or are obsessed with money
History - Kids who like to read too much
English - pretentious kids and kids who’ve accepted they will be teaching
Engineering/CS - higher order geeks and south asian kids
Biology - kids who’ve wanted to be doctors since they were 13
Journalism - either have read too much or too little Hunter S. Thompson
Premed/Prelaw - not a major?</p>
<p>and some others…</p>
<p>Philosophy - The stoners who want to make a career (only to find out later they will have none) out of their favorite pastime. Goatee and glasses mandatory
[insert region/ethnic group] studies - kids who are really obsessed about their heritage or kids who wished they could have a different one
Nursing - girls who realize it’s not as hard as med school, but a solid career, and they get to graduate sooner.</p>
<p>math - smart, crazy, likes juggling
cs - lazy, but programmed a lot for fun in high school
engineering - depends on the type. chemEs are masochistic and mechEs like to build robots
biology - bad at physics
premed - obsessed with gpa
humanities - nobody really majors in the humanities here, unless it’s a double major</p>
<p>Womens’ Studies: “Feminist” women that hate men and/or are lesbians. Not butch, but not uber feminine, either. Don’t wear makeup and/or shave. Look for flaws in all men, and believe women can do no wrong.</p>
<p>I’ve met a few WS majors and none of them are like that, but I’ve also met a bunch of idiots that think that is true.</p>
<p>@student01 - In most colleges there is no “pre-Med” or “pre-Law” major. You can major in ANY major and do those. However, pre-Meds must do Gen Chem I and II, Bio I and II, Physics I and II, Organic Chem I and II, English/Writing I and II, and 1-2 Semesters of Calc, so there is a “pre med track”. With Law School you can take whatever classes you want, and studies show pre-Law majors do terribly on the LSAT (law schools hate when you study law for undergrad). Just clearing it up since so many people think these are majors. </p>
<p>Elementary Education - lots of of friendly and bubbly pretty girls from what i’ve seen</p>
<p>Asian Studies - In my experience, this major is dominated by White students who love Asian culture…the actual Asians are doing harder majors haha
don’t know about law, but med is horrible if your goal is money. my dad got a BA and made more money in finance than i’ll ever hope to make after 15 years of higher education and giving up my twenties lol</p>