<p>I want to study a combination of business and film in college because I want to work on the business side of the film industry. My intrest lies in agenting and managing creative teams not being an artistic film-maker. Although I don’t plan to be the creative talent, I want to manage the talent and I feel like I need to study both business and film to have a good understanding of what this takes. I have some questions about pursuing this at NYU:</p>
<li>How easy is it to mix business and film at NYU? </li>
<li>Does NYU offer any sort of joint program like USC does (Business with an emphasis in Cinematic Arts)</li>
<li>If not, What is the best way to combine these studies? (Major in Business, Minor in Film, vice-versa?)</li>
<p>I’m in an academic film program at my school that combines film and humanities studies, and for my final project this semester, my group(i was the “crew director”) made a documentary about a local political artist, I’d like to send it to NYU.</p>
<li>Is it possible to send in my film to supplement my application, even if I’m applying to Stern?</li>
<li>I have weak SAT scores and an average GPA. Are my chances of getting accepted greater if I apply to Tisch? I assume Stern places an emphasis on SAT/GPA. Does Tisch place less of an emphasis on this?</li>
<p>I’m in a bind at the moment because NYU is one of my top choice schools and I’m want to make my application as strong as I can and send it to the school that will most likely accept me. </p>
<p>I’ve already filled out my application with the idea of applying to Stern for management studies, but I’m willing to re-approach this.</p>
<p>If you’re interested in both filmmaking and business–you might want to look into Gallatin as opposed to Tisch or Stern. They really aren’t kidding when they say you can “design” your own major there. Keep in mind though that there are some classes that aren’t available to you that are exclusive to Tisch/Stern students if you’re Gallatin. </p>
<p>I don’t think there’s a huge difference–but I’ve been told that its easier to get into Gallatin than Stern, though I’m not sure about Tisch. I’m sure you’ll be able to submit your film–check the applications requirements on that website, maybe email the admissions staff?</p>
<p>Gallatin looks great, I’m hoping that they will place less weight on scores and more weight on my essay/film. Does anyone know the difficulty of getting into Gallatin vs. Tisch?</p>
<p>I think Gallatin is a bit easier to get in, but at the end of the day, it all depends on the admissions office and how they feel that day when they’re looking at your application… You should definitely go for Gallatin though, for your endeavors.</p>
<p>As far as I can see, Tisch is geared towards the creative side, so you should probably apply to Stern. Tisch has a Producing minor, and it’s the only minor they have - you can’t do a film minor. (You could do a Cinema Studies major/minor in CAS on top of a Stern major, but it doesn’t quite sound like what you want.) I think the Producing minor available to CAS students, not sure about Stern - but it should be available to Stern students as well.</p>
<p>I think there’s a student group as well that brings Tisch and Stern students together for this purpose, but I can’t remember what it’s called.</p>
<p>There is no theatre minor. Drama studio classes are only open to drama majors. The Open Arts curriculum classes are open to everyone else, although they really are nothing like a minor.</p>
<p>At Stern, you can do the Entertainment Media & Technology track (EMT) or do a Production minor at Tisch. Definitely look into Gallatin too, although i am not sure if there are a limited number of courses you can take at Tisch or Stern because a lot of the classes are restricted to only students from their respective schools. </p>
<p>What Tisch looks for is talent, so if you have that then you shouldn’t really have a problem getting in.</p>
<p>I’ve been interested in concentrating in EMT. I want to major in marketing and on the website it says EMT is a concentration, and some say it’s a minor. Which is it?</p>
<p>What Im planning to do, and you can check the little tabs at Tisch’s website by clicking minors, is major in Film & Video production and take courses at Stern (which tisch shows you on their website, listing the stern classes you can take) such as Film business and entertainment managements, etc.
I lost the link but it gave you a list of options of classes you can take at Stern and Steinhardt if you want to minor in business, broadcasting, and music-related subjects and you havd to choose like 6 of them.</p>
<p>Hi! I would strongly encourage you to look at Media, Culture, Communications in Steinhardt for a number of reasons:</p>
<p>a) You can minor in marketing in Stern
b) You can minor in Producing at Tisch
c) We have a minor that allows you to take classes both in Stern and in Tisch
d) MCC has a ton of internships that allows you to look at the business side of film
e) We also have classes such as “Business of Media”, “The Culture Industry”, THREE Public Relations classes, TWO marketing classes and a number of faculty that actively work in the public relations/film indsutry</p>
<p>It really seems like a good fit for what you want. Plus, Steinhardt is a smaller school and you’ll really get to know your Professors. </p>