Sticker shock! Cost of attendance from financial award letters.

USE: [ color=red] as you update [/color]

Updating RCS amounts - GBP to USD conversion rate is more favorable this year for International students.


(dc) = direct costs (tuition, fees, room & board only)
(tc) = total costs (direct costs plus indirect costs as listed in the award letter, varies by school)
(oos) = out of state (if applicable)
(is) = in state (if applicable)
(year) as we update this list

Cost (by lowest cost… for state schools, by IS cost)…
University of Northern Colorado $16,068 (dc/is) $27,612 (dc/oos)
Missouri State 16,290 (tc/is) 23,160 (tc/OOS)
Florida State 17,487 (dc/is); 32,480 (dc/oos)
JMU 17,695 (dc/is) 32,294 (dc/oos)
Coastal Carolina University 18,040 (dc/is); 31,310 (dc/oos); 23,109 (tc/is); 36,379 (tc/oos)
Texas State University 18,250 (dc); 21,260 (tc)
University of Oklahoma (OU) 18,480 (dc/is); 30,670 (dc/oos)
Wright State (Ohio) 19,400 (dc/is); 27,400 (dc/oos)
SUNY Buffalo 20,283 (dc/is) 32,223 (dc/oos) 24,543 (tc/is) 36,483 (tc/oos)
Indiana 23,000 (dc/ is estimate); 44,234 (dc/ oos)
Montclair 23,050 (dc/is) (all BFA’s get in-state tuition)
University of Utah $23,554 (tc) in-state; $38,862 (tc) OOS, but residency acquired after 1 year
Cal State Fullerton 24,320 (tc)
Viterbo 31,730 (dc)
Temple 31,870 (tc) in-state; 43,520 (tc) OOS/ 26,630 (dc) in-state; 36,310 (dc) OOS
Central Michigan 32,214 (dc)
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland: $22,434 tuition + $14,000 recommended COL = $36,434 (dc) ^
Nebraska Wesleyan 36,570 (dc)
CCM (U of Cincinnati) 37,688 (dc) (oos)*estimate - 2014/15 figures not yet released
Webster 39,404 (dc)
Ohio Northern 39,700 (dc)
Baldwin Wallace 40,720 (dc)
Elon 41,914 (dc) 45,414 (tc)
Marymount Manhattan 42,636 (dc)
Otterbein University 42,876 (dc)
Shenandoah 43,066 (dc)
Point Park 43,120 (dc), 44,430 (tc)
Long Island University 45,000 (dc)
Drake 46,385 (dc)
Baylor University 46,642 (tc)
Hartt (University of Hartford) 46,962 (dc)
Oklahoma City University. 49,256 (tc)
Wagner 52,880 (tc)
Roosevelt CCPA 53,212 (tc)
Pace University 56,042 (dc)
Rider 56,275 (dc) (2017-18)
Ithaca 57,316 (tc)
Emerson 57,376 (tc)
Middlebury 59,160 (dc) 61,429 (tc)
American U $59,408 (tc)
Boston Conservatory 60,980 (dc) 64,158 (tc)
Carnegie Mellon. 61,422 (dc)
Northwestern University… 61,640 (dc)
NYU-STeinhardt 66,046 (tc)
NYU-Tisch 70,606 (tc), 67,478 (dc)

American U $59,408 (tc)
Baldwin Wallace 40,720 (dc)
Baylor University 46,642 (tc)
Boston Conservatory 60,980 (dc) 64,158 (tc)
Cal State Fullerton 24,320 (tc)
Carnegie Mellon. 61,422 (dc)
Central Michigan 32,214 (dc)
CCM (U of Cincinnati) 37688 (dc) (oos)*estimate - 2014/15 figures not yet released
Coastal Carolina University 18,040 (dc/is); 31,310 (dc/oos); 23,109 (tc/is); 36,379 (tc/oos)
Drake 46,385 (dc)
Elon 41,914 (dc) 45,414 (tc)
Emerson 57,376 (tc)
Florida State 17,487 (dc) 32,480 (dc/oos)
Indiana 23,000 (dc/ is estimate); 44,234 (dc/ oos)
Ithaca 57,316 (tc)
JMU 17,695 (dc/is) 32,294 (dc/oos)
Long Island University 45,000 (dc)
Marymount Manhattan 42,636 (dc)
Middlebury 59,160 (dc) 61,429 (tc)
Missouri State (tc) (OOS) 22,500
Montclair 23,050 (dc/is) (all BFA’s get in-state tuition)
Nebraska Wesleyan 36,570 (dc)
NYU_Steinhardt 66,046
NYU-Tisch 70,606 (tc) 67,478 (dc)
Northwestern University… 61,640 (dc)
Ohio Northern 39,700 (dc)
Oklahoma City University 49,256 (tc)
Otterbein University 42,876 (dc)
Pace University 56,042 (dc)
Point Park 43,120 (dc), 44,430 (tc)
Rider 56,275 (dc) (2017-18)
Roosevelt CCPA 53,212 (tc)
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland: $22,434 tuition + $14,000 recommended COL = $36,434 (dc) ^
Shenandoah 43,066 (dc)
SUNY Buffalo 20,283 (dc/is) 32,223 (dc/oos) 24,543 (tc/is) 36,483 (tc/oos)
Temple 31,870 (tc) in-state; 43,520 (tc) OOS/ 26,630 (dc) in-state; 36,310 (dc) OOS
Texas State University 18,250 (dc/is); 21,260 (tc/is)
Hartt (University of Hartford) 46,962 (dc)
University of Northern Colorado $16,068 (dc/is) $27,612 (dc/oos)
University of Oklahoma (OU) 18,480 (dc/is); 30,670 (dc/oos)
University of Utah 23,554 (tc); $38,862 (tc) OOS, but residency acquired after 1 year
Viterbo 31,730 (dc)
Wagner 52,880 (tc)
Webster 39,404 (dc)
Wright State (Ohio) 19,400 (dc/is); 27,400 (dc/oos)

*CCU, TSU, WSU, JMU (IS), UNC and FSU (OOS), Elon, MSU, SUNY Buffalo, University of Oklahoma figures are from school websites; hopefully someone with a FA award letter will update them
^ RCS: BA program is only 3 years. Figure does not include international travel costs.

USE: [ color=red] as you update [/color]

Updating RCS amounts - GBP to USD conversion rate is more favorable this year for International students.


(dc) = direct costs (tuition, fees, room & board only)
(tc) = total costs (direct costs plus indirect costs as listed in the award letter, varies by school)
(oos) = out of state (if applicable)
(is) = in state (if applicable)
(year) as we update this list

Cost (by lowest cost… for state schools, by IS cost)…
University of Northern Colorado $16,068 (dc/is) $27,612 (dc/oos)
Missouri State 16,290 (tc/is) 23,160 (tc/OOS)
Florida State 17,487 (dc/is); 32,480 (dc/oos)
JMU 17,695 (dc/is) 32,294 (dc/oos)
Coastal Carolina University 18,040 (dc/is); 31,310 (dc/oos); 23,109 (tc/is); 36,379 (tc/oos)
Texas State University 18,250 (dc); 21,260 (tc)
University of Oklahoma (OU) 18,480 (dc/is); 30,670 (dc/oos)
Wright State (Ohio) 19,400 (dc/is); 27,400 (dc/oos)
SUNY Buffalo 20,283 (dc/is) 32,223 (dc/oos) 24,543 (tc/is) 36,483 (tc/oos)
Indiana 23,000 (dc/ is estimate); 44,234 (dc/ oos)
Montclair 23,050 (dc/is) (all BFA’s get in-state tuition)
University of Utah $23,554 (tc) in-state; $38,862 (tc) OOS, but residency acquired after 1 year
Cal State Fullerton 24,320 (tc)
Viterbo 31,730 (dc)
Temple 31,870 (tc) in-state; 43,520 (tc) OOS/ 26,630 (dc) in-state; 36,310 (dc) OOS
Central Michigan 32,214 (dc)
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland: $22,434 tuition + $14,000 recommended COL = $36,434 (dc) ^
Nebraska Wesleyan 36,570 (dc)
CCM (U of Cincinnati) 37,688 (dc) (oos)*estimate - 2014/15 figures not yet released
Webster 39,404 (dc)
Ohio Northern 39,700 (dc)
Baldwin Wallace 40,720 (dc)
Elon 41,914 (dc) 45,414 (tc)
Marymount Manhattan 42,636 (dc)
Otterbein University 42,876 (dc)
Shenandoah 43,066 (dc)
Point Park 43,120 (dc), 44,430 (tc)
Long Island University 45,000 (dc)
Drake 46,385 (dc)
Baylor University 46,642 (tc)
Hartt (University of Hartford) 46,962 (dc)
Oklahoma City University. 49,256 (tc)
Wagner 52,880 (tc)
Roosevelt CCPA 53,212 (tc)
Pace University 56,042 (dc)
Rider 56,275 (dc) (2017-18)
Ithaca 57,316 (tc)
Emerson 57,376 (tc)
Middlebury 59,160 (dc) 61,429 (tc)
American U $59,408 (tc)
Carnegie Mellon. 61,422 (dc)
Northwestern University… 61,640 (dc)
Boston Conservatory 62,915 (dc) 65,807(tc) (2017-18)
NYU-STeinhardt 66,046 (tc)
NYU-Tisch 70,606 (tc), 67,478 (dc)

American U $59,408 (tc)
Baldwin Wallace 40,720 (dc)
Baylor University 46,642 (tc)
Boston Conservatory 62,915 (dc) 65,807(tc) (2017-18)
Cal State Fullerton 24,320 (tc)
Carnegie Mellon. 61,422 (dc)
Central Michigan 32,214 (dc)
CCM (U of Cincinnati) 37688 (dc) (oos)*estimate - 2014/15 figures not yet released
Coastal Carolina University 18,040 (dc/is); 31,310 (dc/oos); 23,109 (tc/is); 36,379 (tc/oos)
Drake 46,385 (dc)
Elon 41,914 (dc) 45,414 (tc)
Emerson 57,376 (tc)
Florida State 17,487 (dc) 32,480 (dc/oos)
Indiana 23,000 (dc/ is estimate); 44,234 (dc/ oos)
Ithaca 57,316 (tc)
JMU 17,695 (dc/is) 32,294 (dc/oos)
Long Island University 45,000 (dc)
Marymount Manhattan 42,636 (dc)
Middlebury 59,160 (dc) 61,429 (tc)
Missouri State (tc) (OOS) 22,500
Montclair 23,050 (dc/is) (all BFA’s get in-state tuition)
Nebraska Wesleyan 36,570 (dc)
NYU_Steinhardt 66,046
NYU-Tisch 70,606 (tc) 67,478 (dc)
Northwestern University… 61,640 (dc)
Ohio Northern 39,700 (dc)
Oklahoma City University 49,256 (tc)
Otterbein University 42,876 (dc)
Pace University 56,042 (dc)
Point Park 43,120 (dc), 44,430 (tc)
Rider 56,275 (dc) (2017-18)
Roosevelt CCPA 53,212 (tc)
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland: $22,434 tuition + $14,000 recommended COL = $36,434 (dc) ^
Shenandoah 43,066 (dc)
SUNY Buffalo 20,283 (dc/is) 32,223 (dc/oos) 24,543 (tc/is) 36,483 (tc/oos)
Temple 31,870 (tc) in-state; 43,520 (tc) OOS/ 26,630 (dc) in-state; 36,310 (dc) OOS
Texas State University 18,250 (dc/is); 21,260 (tc/is)
Hartt (University of Hartford) 46,962 (dc)
University of Northern Colorado $16,068 (dc/is) $27,612 (dc/oos)
University of Oklahoma (OU) 18,480 (dc/is); 30,670 (dc/oos)
University of Utah 23,554 (tc); $38,862 (tc) OOS, but residency acquired after 1 year
Viterbo 31,730 (dc)
Wagner 52,880 (tc)
Webster 39,404 (dc)
Wright State (Ohio) 19,400 (dc/is); 27,400 (dc/oos)

*CCU, TSU, WSU, JMU (IS), UNC and FSU (OOS), Elon, MSU, SUNY Buffalo, University of Oklahoma figures are from school websites; hopefully someone with a FA award letter will update them
^ RCS: BA program is only 3 years. Figure does not include international travel costs.

USE: [ color=red] as you update [/color]

Updating RCS amounts - GBP to USD conversion rate is more favorable this year for International students.


(dc) = direct costs (tuition, fees, room & board only)
(tc) = total costs (direct costs plus indirect costs as listed in the award letter, varies by school)
(oos) = out of state (if applicable)
(is) = in state (if applicable)
(year) as we update this list

Cost (by lowest cost… for state schools, by IS cost)…
University of Northern Colorado $16,068 (dc/is) $27,612 (dc/oos)
Missouri State 16,290 (tc/is) 23,160 (tc/OOS)
Florida State 17,487 (dc/is); 32,480 (dc/oos)
JMU 17,695 (dc/is) 32,294 (dc/oos)
Coastal Carolina University 18,040 (dc/is); 31,310 (dc/oos); 23,109 (tc/is); 36,379 (tc/oos)
Texas State University 18,250 (dc); 21,260 (tc)
University of Oklahoma (OU) 18,480 (dc/is); 30,670 (dc/oos)
Wright State (Ohio) 19,400 (dc/is); 27,400 (dc/oos)
SUNY Buffalo 20,283 (dc/is) 32,223 (dc/oos) 24,543 (tc/is) 36,483 (tc/oos)
Indiana 23,000 (dc/ is estimate); 44,234 (dc/ oos)
Montclair 23,050 (dc/is) (all BFA’s get in-state tuition)
University of Utah $23,554 (tc) in-state; $38,862 (tc) OOS, but residency acquired after 1 year
Cal State Fullerton 24,320 (tc)
Viterbo 31,730 (dc)
Temple 31,870 (tc) in-state; 43,520 (tc) OOS/ 26,630 (dc) in-state; 36,310 (dc) OOS
Central Michigan 32,214 (dc)
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland: $22,434 tuition + $14,000 recommended COL = $36,434 (dc) ^
Nebraska Wesleyan 36,570 (dc)
CCM (U of Cincinnati) 37,688 (dc) (oos)*estimate - 2014/15 figures not yet released
Webster 39,404 (dc)
Ohio Northern 39,700 (dc)
Baldwin Wallace 40,720 (dc)
Elon 41,914 (dc) 45,414 (tc)
Marymount Manhattan 42,636 (dc)
Otterbein University 42,876 (dc)
Shenandoah 43,066 (dc)
Point Park 43,120 (dc), 44,430 (tc)
Long Island University 45,000 (dc)
Drake 46,385 (dc)
Baylor University 46,642 (tc)
Oklahoma City University. 49,256 (tc)
Wagner 52,880 (tc)
Roosevelt CCPA 53,212 (tc)
Hartt (University of Hartford) 55,187 (tc)
Pace University 56,042 (dc)
Rider 56,275 (dc) (2017-18)
Ithaca 57,316 (tc)
Emerson 57,376 (tc)
Middlebury 59,160 (dc) 61,429 (tc)
American U $59,408 (tc)
Carnegie Mellon. 61,422 (dc)
Northwestern University… 61,640 (dc)
Boston Conservatory 62,915 (dc) 65,807(tc) (2017-18)
NYU-STeinhardt 66,046 (tc)
NYU-Tisch 70,606 (tc), 67,478 (dc)

American U $59,408 (tc)
Baldwin Wallace 40,720 (dc)
Baylor University 46,642 (tc)
Boston Conservatory 62,915 (dc) 65,807(tc) (2017-18)
Cal State Fullerton 24,320 (tc)
Carnegie Mellon. 61,422 (dc)
Central Michigan 32,214 (dc)
CCM (U of Cincinnati) 37688 (dc) (oos)*estimate - 2014/15 figures not yet released
Coastal Carolina University 18,040 (dc/is); 31,310 (dc/oos); 23,109 (tc/is); 36,379 (tc/oos)
Drake 46,385 (dc)
Elon 41,914 (dc) 45,414 (tc)
Emerson 57,376 (tc)
Florida State 17,487 (dc) 32,480 (dc/oos)
Hartt (University of Hartford) 51,968 (dc) 55,187 (tc)
Indiana 23,000 (dc/ is estimate); 44,234 (dc/ oos)
Ithaca 57,316 (tc)
JMU 17,695 (dc/is) 32,294 (dc/oos)
Long Island University 45,000 (dc)
Marymount Manhattan 42,636 (dc)
Middlebury 59,160 (dc) 61,429 (tc)
Missouri State (tc) (OOS) 22,500
Montclair 23,050 (dc/is) (all BFA’s get in-state tuition)
Nebraska Wesleyan 36,570 (dc)
NYU_Steinhardt 66,046
NYU-Tisch 70,606 (tc) 67,478 (dc)
Northwestern University… 61,640 (dc)
Ohio Northern 39,700 (dc)
Oklahoma City University 49,256 (tc)
Otterbein University 42,876 (dc)
Pace University 56,042 (dc)
Point Park 43,120 (dc), 44,430 (tc)
Rider 56,275 (dc) (2017-18)
Roosevelt CCPA 53,212 (tc)
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland: $22,434 tuition + $14,000 recommended COL = $36,434 (dc) ^
Shenandoah 43,066 (dc)
SUNY Buffalo 20,283 (dc/is) 32,223 (dc/oos) 24,543 (tc/is) 36,483 (tc/oos)
Temple 31,870 (tc) in-state; 43,520 (tc) OOS/ 26,630 (dc) in-state; 36,310 (dc) OOS
Texas State University 18,250 (dc/is); 21,260 (tc/is)
Hartt (University of Hartford) 46,962 (dc)
University of Northern Colorado $16,068 (dc/is) $27,612 (dc/oos)
University of Oklahoma (OU) 18,480 (dc/is); 30,670 (dc/oos)
University of Utah 23,554 (tc); $38,862 (tc) OOS, but residency acquired after 1 year
Viterbo 31,730 (dc)
Wagner 52,880 (tc)
Webster 39,404 (dc)
Wright State (Ohio) 19,400 (dc/is); 27,400 (dc/oos)

*CCU, TSU, WSU, JMU (IS), UNC and FSU (OOS), Elon, MSU, SUNY Buffalo, University of Oklahoma figures are from school websites; hopefully someone with a FA award letter will update them
^ RCS: BA program is only 3 years. Figure does not include international travel costs.

NYU Tisch is $73,088 (direct cost) for 2017-2018

NYU Steinhardt is $68,128 (direct cost)

Direct Cost for Nebraska Wesleyan for 2017-2018 is $42,044. Can someone please update. Thanks!

NYU costs tho… ( cough …sputter…)
That is one hard - pill to swallow just sayin! Lol

@theaterwork You’re not kidding! Sticker shock for sure. LOL

re: NYU costs… it’s not like it should be a big shock… they hardly bill themselves as the “low cost alternative”. The question to be answered is - “Do you think the value of the education provided is worth the cost of the tuition” - for our family it is a resounding yes.

USE: [ color=red] as you update [/color]

Updating RCS amounts - GBP to USD conversion rate is more favorable this year for International students.


(dc) = direct costs (tuition, fees, room & board only)
(tc) = total costs (direct costs plus indirect costs as listed in the award letter, varies by school)
(oos) = out of state (if applicable)
(is) = in state (if applicable)
(year) as we update this list

Cost (by lowest cost… for state schools, by IS cost)…
University of Northern Colorado $16,068 (dc/is) $27,612 (dc/oos)
Missouri State 16,290 (tc/is) 23,160 (tc/OOS)
Florida State 17,487 (dc/is); 32,480 (dc/oos)
JMU 17,695 (dc/is) 32,294 (dc/oos)
Coastal Carolina University 18,040 (dc/is); 31,310 (dc/oos); 23,109 (tc/is); 36,379 (tc/oos)
Texas State University 18,250 (dc); 21,260 (tc)
University of Oklahoma (OU) 18,480 (dc/is); 30,670 (dc/oos)
Wright State (Ohio) 19,400 (dc/is); 27,400 (dc/oos)
SUNY Buffalo 20,283 (dc/is) 32,223 (dc/oos) 24,543 (tc/is) 36,483 (tc/oos)
Indiana 23,000 (dc/ is estimate); 44,234 (dc/ oos)
[color=red]Montclair 26,206 (2016-17)/color (all BFA’s get in-state tuition)
University of Utah $23,554 (tc) in-state; $38,862 (tc) OOS, but residency acquired after 1 year
Cal State Fullerton 24,320 (tc)
Viterbo 31,730 (dc)
Temple 31,870 (tc) in-state; 43,520 (tc) OOS/ 26,630 (dc) in-state; 36,310 (dc) OOS
Central Michigan 32,214 (dc)
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland: $22,434 tuition + $14,000 recommended COL = $36,434 (dc) ^
Nebraska Wesleyan 36,570 (dc)
CCM (U of Cincinnati) 37,688 (dc) (oos)*estimate - 2014/15 figures not yet released
Webster 39,404 (dc)
Ohio Northern 39,700 (dc)
Baldwin Wallace 40,720 (dc)
Elon 41,914 (dc) 45,414 (tc)
Marymount Manhattan 42,636 (dc)
Otterbein University 42,876 (dc)
Shenandoah 43,066 (dc)
Point Park 43,120 (dc), 44,430 (tc)
Long Island University 45,000 (dc)
Drake 46,385 (dc)
Baylor University 46,642 (tc)
Oklahoma City University. 49,256 (tc)
Wagner 52,880 (tc)
Roosevelt CCPA 53,212 (tc)
Hartt (University of Hartford) 55,187 (tc)
Pace University 56,042 (dc)
Rider 56,275 (dc) (2017-18)
Ithaca 57,316 (tc)
Emerson 57,376 (tc)
Middlebury 59,160 (dc) 61,429 (tc)
American U $59,408 (tc)
Carnegie Mellon. 61,422 (dc)
Northwestern University… 61,640 (dc)
Boston Conservatory 62,915 (dc) 65,807(tc) (2017-18)
NYU-STeinhardt 66,046 (tc)
NYU-Tisch 70,606 (tc), 67,478 (dc)

American U $59,408 (tc)
Baldwin Wallace 40,720 (dc)
Baylor University 46,642 (tc)
Boston Conservatory 62,915 (dc) 65,807(tc) (2017-18)
Cal State Fullerton 24,320 (tc)
Carnegie Mellon. 61,422 (dc)
Central Michigan 32,214 (dc)
CCM (U of Cincinnati) 37688 (dc) (oos)*estimate - 2014/15 figures not yet released
Coastal Carolina University 18,040 (dc/is); 31,310 (dc/oos); 23,109 (tc/is); 36,379 (tc/oos)
Drake 46,385 (dc)
Elon 41,914 (dc) 45,414 (tc)
Emerson 57,376 (tc)
Florida State 17,487 (dc) 32,480 (dc/oos)
Hartt (University of Hartford) 51,968 (dc) 55,187 (tc)
Indiana 23,000 (dc/ is estimate); 44,234 (dc/ oos)
Ithaca 57,316 (tc)
JMU 17,695 (dc/is) 32,294 (dc/oos)
Long Island University 45,000 (dc)
Marymount Manhattan 42,636 (dc)
Middlebury 59,160 (dc) 61,429 (tc)
Missouri State (tc) (OOS) 22,500
[color=red]Montclair 26,206 (2016-17)/color (all BFA’s get in-state tuition)
Nebraska Wesleyan 36,570 (dc)
NYU_Steinhardt 66,046
NYU-Tisch 70,606 (tc) 67,478 (dc)
Northwestern University… 61,640 (dc)
Ohio Northern 39,700 (dc)
Oklahoma City University 49,256 (tc)
Otterbein University 42,876 (dc)
Pace University 56,042 (dc)
Point Park 43,120 (dc), 44,430 (tc)
Rider 56,275 (dc) (2017-18)
Roosevelt CCPA 53,212 (tc)
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland: $22,434 tuition + $14,000 recommended COL = $36,434 (dc) ^
Shenandoah 43,066 (dc)
SUNY Buffalo 20,283 (dc/is) 32,223 (dc/oos) 24,543 (tc/is) 36,483 (tc/oos)
Temple 31,870 (tc) in-state; 43,520 (tc) OOS/ 26,630 (dc) in-state; 36,310 (dc) OOS
Texas State University 18,250 (dc/is); 21,260 (tc/is)
Hartt (University of Hartford) 46,962 (dc)
University of Northern Colorado $16,068 (dc/is) $27,612 (dc/oos)
University of Oklahoma (OU) 18,480 (dc/is); 30,670 (dc/oos)
University of Utah 23,554 (tc); $38,862 (tc) OOS, but residency acquired after 1 year
Viterbo 31,730 (dc)
Wagner 52,880 (tc)
Webster 39,404 (dc)
Wright State (Ohio) 19,400 (dc/is); 27,400 (dc/oos)

*CCU, TSU, WSU, JMU (IS), UNC and FSU (OOS), Elon, MSU, SUNY Buffalo, University of Oklahoma figures are from school websites; hopefully someone with a FA award letter will update them
^ RCS: BA program is only 3 years. Figure does not include international travel costs.

No kidding!
Couple of quick comments. If you look at tuition and mandatory fees, you will realize NYU is on par with several other programs (BOCO, CMU, and others) that are indeed insanely expensive. Worth it? NYU’s room and board is what really moves it ahead of the others. But as an FYI to anyone that is looking at it, my kid paid 600 per month in rent senior year and could also graduate early or go part time. There are ways of closing the gap between that program and others in the north of 60 range.

However, there is NO WAY short of an amazing scholarship to close the gap between north of 60 and south of 40. And if you have a school south of 40 with great training that you feel good about, I personally think you have your answer. But I of course have nothing to do with any decision other than what my own family came up with for our situation. I am happy with what we did as it made sense for us. Do what makes sense for you!

@halfokum So true, it really is so individual. FWIW @halfokum was a great resource for us when we were looking:):slight_smile:

I’ll add that University of Utah also provides many students a minimum of $2k talent scholarships. Our cost for tuition only has averaged $5k a semester since gaining residency status after freshman year. Room and board have averaged $10k a year which is rather average. College is expensive. Our other daughter has a full scholarship OOS and it’s still $10k a year for room and board.