Still no May SAT score

<p>I just need to vent my frustration that we are still waiting for son's May SAT score. He can't make any lists till he has some idea as to what range his scores are in.
He took the test about a week late with accommodations at his school. So we expected some delay. But we are now just annoyed. June scores are up and his are still listed as not available.
According to the disability department of the ETS it states in their registration that scores can take up to 2 months.</p>

<p>My daughter's scores took almost two months for no apparent reason, no accomodations, no possible excuse. I phoned ETS and every person with whom I spoke had a new and different story. I'm not sure if it's College Board or ETS, but one of these has regional offices. I telephoned the office for our region and asked for the administrator who oversees the SAT. I ended up with a very helpful person with whom I shared the various (false) promises and tales I'd heard in trying to track down my daughter's scores. He interceded for us, and within 48 hours, we had scores. I would recommend that you find your regional office by googling or going to the ETS website, and then start phoning. (My only proviso would be not to expect much if you have to deal with the NY office. I ended up phoning them a couple of times in my quest and they were about as rude as nasty as you can imagine.) Another possibility to is go through the GC at your son's school. I spoke with another mom who had gone this route, and her child's irate GC was able expedite results.</p>