<p>Join in here if you're part of the crowd still waiting but can't use the wait thread because it's been locked! </p>
<p>This is for people who happened to be doing something else during the five seconds the system was open. :(</p>
<p>Join in here if you're part of the crowd still waiting but can't use the wait thread because it's been locked! </p>
<p>This is for people who happened to be doing something else during the five seconds the system was open. :(</p>
<p>Hey! How you doin?</p>
<p>I called, it said my credit card number was wrong so i got another one, called back, scores unavailale
are they just down because of everyone callig</p>
<p>I’m frustrated. Literally, I was about to start drying my hair and checked the phone. Nothing. I dry a few sections and come back. GONE! So frustrating. </p>
<p>CB literally expects us to be ready at any second.</p>
<p>It sucks!
“one moment while we connect you to our database!”
Thinks: yay, i’m going to get my scores!
<p>They probably only have a certain # of lines. That’s why this service costs College Board money to run. If they’re all occupied, you have to call right as someone else hangs up to grab one.</p>
<p>Just a guess.</p>
<p>I’m going to go do a few more sections of my hair, let the system get over the initial shock and then try again. </p>
<p>For the record, I NEVER do my hair straight. Leave it to me to choose to go crazy the ONE time I should have been doing something else.</p>
<p>Should we just spam call?</p>
<p>^lmao you’re funny</p>
<p>Seriously, im going to call every time it doesn’t let me through until it does</p>
<p>I bet the collegeboard will think twice before using twitter to announce things like this from now on :p</p>
<p>OMG!!! not up</p>
<p>Oh well, I’m going fishing. Hopefully in a couple hours I’ll be able to get through.</p>
<p>Same here – not working :(</p>
<p>Anyone know where I get my AP number from???</p>