Stony Brook University Vs Boston University for biology?

I have recently been accepted to both Stony Brook and Boston University and majoring in Biology. Which school is best for studying Biology?

Stony Brook tends to be known specifically, and with renown, for its programs in biology, aspects which aren’t the case with BU.

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(a) what’s the cost difference?
(b) does it matter
© what’s your long term plan? Medical School?

a. 16k cost difference (SBU being cheaper)
b. Yes, it matters about which has the better program
c. Medical School

Given that you want to be a pre-med and are going to be borrowing massive amounts in the future, I’d recommend SBU as a solid / cheaper option, unless your parents can comfortably afford the difference.

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SBU is better for bio and it’s good to save money when planning on med school.

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SBis better for bio and for premeds, although it may be better for you to major in something else, minor in Bio if you are passionate about the subject.
(There’s an oversupply of bio majors and few well paid jobs for them, so that choosing another major might be beneficial.)

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For which school?

The oversupply of bio majors is true nationwide. It’s currently one of the majors with the lowest ROI. You’d be better off majoring in English :). There are a few jobs for Bio majors with a Bsc, but they’re poorly paid (like, lab tech). “real” jobs in bio require a Master’s or, often, a PHD. Other than that they have to apply to jobs open to college graduates with no major specification. And to top it off, among seniors who made it through the weeding and managed to remain premed, 60% never get into a single med school. So, that overflow of bio majors who didn’t get into med school floods the job market. If you love bio, minor in it, and see if you can find another major you like?

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I know that you say that “price does not matter”. However, would you need to take on any debt at all to attend either of these universities?

Are you in-state in NY?

What are your long term intentions with a biology degree?

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Stony Brook would be better for biology but what are your goals?
Any other academic interests?
Did you get into Honors at Stony?

You might find it interesting that Stony Brook is among the colleges that have increased the most in selectivity over the last few decades: Of Competitive Colleges that Have Increased in Selectivity, These May Have Increased the Most.

Over and over and over again, posters with experience of med school admissions- from students to parents to med school AOs- emphasize that you should choose your major based on your strengths. As long as you meet the pre-req requirements, majoring in something that you genuinely enjoy will do more for you and your application. Bonus: if you don’t go to med school, your college career will have put you in a good position to go forward in a field you genuinely are interested in.

So: do you love Biology as a subject? great! go to SB, and follow your interest. It has a great program, it is amazingly affordable for what you get, and you can pursue medicine- or whatever area of biology takes your interest (a fair few Bio students I know discovered that they love research and veered away from an MD to a PhD).

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