<p>Rising juniors? As in plural? Wow!</p>
<p>It’s not too early to be thinking about the college selection process – and even doing a little preparation.</p>
<p>I would suggest that you ask each student to work with you (and with a couple of college selection books and the Internet) to come up with a longish list of colleges that they might possibly, conceivably want to apply to. This is for two purposes: </p>
<p>1) Once the lists are made, you and your students can visit the colleges’ Web sites and find out what each school requires or recommends in terms of SAT Subject Tests; </p>
<p>2) You can see whether the lists include appropriate safety schools, and if they don’t, you can work with the student to come up with some ideas for safety schools.</p>
<p>SAT Subject Tests are usually taken during 11th grade – or earlier. Now is the time to plan for them, if you haven’t already done so. </p>
<p>As for other tests, juniors routinely take the PSAT in the fall. In my opinion, any student who is considering applying to college ED should also get the SAT and all Subject Tests (and the ACT, if the student chooses to take it) out of the way during 11th grade. A student can’t make an informed choice about what schools to apply to until all the test scores are in hand, and anyone who is considering applying ED has to make that choice by the end of the summer after junior year. (Yes, the application deadlines are several months later than that, but you will find that the deadlines set by your high school for requesting transcripts and counselor recommendations and by teachers for preparing recommendation letters are much earlier than the colleges’ deadlines.)</p>
<p>In my experience, many students would like to have the opportunity to take the SAT twice. Often, they are disappointed with at least one of the scores they obtained the first time around. And most students who need to take SAT Subject Tests at all will take at least some of them at the end of 11th grade. Therefore, it would make sense for a student who might apply to college ED to register for one of the SAT test dates in the winter. This allows the opportunity for the student to take the SAT a second time, if desired, in either May or June (reserving the other end-of-year test date for SAT Subject Tests). If the student has extracurricular activities that might conflict with any of the SAT test dates (such as a spring sport), it may be necessary to take some tests earlier than this.</p>
<p>Do not assume this. Students usually register for the PSAT through their high schools, but they must register for the SAT, SAT Subject Tests, and ACT on their own. It can all be done online, at [::</a> College Planning Made Easy | Inside Source for College Admissions Requirements](<a href=“http://www.collegeboard.com%5D::”>http://www.collegeboard.com) and [ACT</a>, Inc. : A Student Site for ACT Test Takers](<a href=“The ACT Test for Students | ACT”>http://www.actstudent.org/) </p>
<p>Students take AP tests in May of the year when they take the AP course. There is no flexibility here. Usually, students do not register for these tests on their own. They do so through their schools, which hand out the paperwork mid-year. </p>
<p>I think that this summer is not too early for some college visits. It’s not ideal to visit a campus during the summer because regular classes are not in session, but nevertheless, some important information can be gleaned from a summer visit. Additional visits can be done during spring break of junior year or perhaps by taking a day or two off from classes at some other time during junior year. If your high school closes for any Jewish holidays or teacher conventions or other such things during the fall, that might provide another opportunity for a college visit. </p>
<p>Personal opinion: I don’t think students need to visit every college they apply to before they apply. But they definitely should visit any school they’re considering applying to ED, and they should visit their safety schools. They may also want to visit schools they’re uncertain about applying to because the visit might help them make their decision.</p>
<p>If you will allow me to inject a another personal opinion here: Even though your circumstances allow for the use of ED, I wouldn’t push it on a student who doesn’t want to make a commitment that early or who has any reservations about attending the college in question. In fact, I would discourage it under such circumstances. For example, at one point, my daughter considered applying to Columbia, but she had reservations about its Core Curriculum. If she had wanted to apply to Columbia ED, I would have argued very strongly against it because of the possibility that if she was admitted, she might regret the decision. </p>
<p>I don’t object to ED in general – in fact, my daughter did apply ED, just not to Columbia. But ED isn’t the best choice for everyone – even for those for whom financial aid is not a consideration.</p>
<p>Students who apply ED should have their FULL list of colleges finalized by the beginning of senior year. This is because of teacher recommendations. A student applying ED will need to approach teachers about recommendations at the very beginning of senior year. Both of the teachers who agreed to write recommendations for my daughter required her to give them all of the paperwork for ALL of the colleges she was applying to a month before the first submission deadline. This meant that she had to have her entire list finalized in September. I understand that this is not unusual.</p>