<p>Quite a few of you guys keep complaining about your writing scores and find it easy to blame college board for another screw up. The problem is this, if CB got dinged for yet ANOTHER big mess up, the SAT's would lose more validity and colleges would hold it with even less esteem. Becareful for what you ask for.</p>
<p>Why would that be a bad thing? Colleges SHOULD hold the SAT's to less of an esteem than now, as then it would be more fair to all applicants. Yes, it might screw over some of the people on this board...but I'm probably one of the ones whose SAT scores is hurting them instead of helping them, so I'd like that. :)</p>
<p>no, people need the sats. GPA is not always an effective way to determine how intelligent a student is. Some schools have extremely easy programs and getting a 4.0 is nothing while other schools are alot more rigorous and getting higher GPA's is alot more hard. SAT is the equalizer.</p>
<p>yes i someone has granted my prayers! colleges will want their students to get lives and start doing more extracirricular! maybe than we can base 50% of the admission on EC's! my favorite! ... i hate my writing score like everyone else. who cares of Collegeboard screwes up, its their fault. theres always the ACT.</p>
<p>why don;t they just change it back to the original 1600 score range...</p>
<p>As the OP pointed out, there have been quite a few CCers saying that their October writing scores are too low. However, if there was a <em>BIG</em> mess-up, it would have been statistically visible to CB before they released the scores. Remember that the errors last October were confined to a fairly small portion of test takers (relatively speaking), and of those only a small number had lost enough points to change the outcomes of college applications. On the other hand, a very high percentage (~40 to 50%) of test takers who retake will end up scoring lower than they did before. The evidence being presented on CC for a massive College Board error on the writing section is, frankly, quite flimsy.</p>
<p>So we should let them get away with incompetence just to keep their position? Because THAT makes sense...</p>
<p>I'm okay with my writing btw (790), I just don't agree with your reasoning.</p>