Stopping Involvement In An Activity

I was involved in ASB this year (Junior year) and loved it! I enjoyed all of the activities we did. I wasn’t president or any “main” position, but I still felt that my participation in this activity was important. Next year (My Senior year), the ASB at my school will have a mandatory class during the day to participate, and I don’t think I will be able to take it as there isn’t really room in my schedule, I’d have to drop a STEM AP class (and I’m hoping to be a STEM major) and my GPA would drop, and I’d lose my #1 class rank. I really would have done it otherwise, and I’m sad that I can’t. Long story short, I was wondering how I would let colleges know this, or if its even an option? I don’t want them to think I wasn’t committed to the activity. Is it even worthwhile to put ASB on my application considering I will have only done it for one year? (My participation ranges from 2-10 hours per week, mostly 2) Or if I should give up the AP class (Stats) and continue ASB? Any kind advice is appreciated :slight_smile:

What is ASB?
Are you taking AP stat as your math or as an additional math?
If it is as your math, why? Have you finished calculus?
You must take a math so don’t drop if it is your only math.
Academics are much more important than ECs.

ASB ???

ASB stands for Associate Student Body, it’s the top leadership group on campus. My apologies for not clarifying that earlier. Also, Stats would be an additional math class (I would be taking Calc too) but without it my GPA would drop below a 4.5 even with all As.

Keep the math and find another EC. You could even use that as the subject of an essay - how you choose between something you love versus something that might benefit you in the long term.

It’s not a sure-fire way to gain admission, but being Valedictorian is likely to give you a boost at more colleges than simply participating in student government.

What other ECs do you do?

@milee30 Thank you for your advice! And I’m involved in many other activities, but I really only have a few leadership positions (including being cofounder/copres of a club for 2 years, running my own science blog for two years, and maybe being vp or pres of 2 other clubs next year but we havent had elections yet so thats not really guaranteed). I’m worried that lack of leadership on my application will harm my chances of getting in, which is why I was thinking of continuing ASB next year!

IMO, you’ve had enough “leadership”; I’d stop focusing on that and make sure you have some ECs that show you went in-depth with your interests.

@milee30 I do have a lot of STEM activities including a research program and a competitive team, so I’ll try to keep building my involvement in those! Thanks again you have been very helpful! :slight_smile:

In my experience, the type of leadership that impresses admissions officers is not shown simply by offices or positions held—as those can often be popularity indicators more than indicators of leadership.

Also, some leadership positions show responsibility while others show the ability to influence others.

In my opinion, “leadership” is not easily defined and that is why themes & packaging are important factors in college applications.