<p>At the preview they mentioned we could store our stuff in our other dorm for fall...but space availablity was an issue
Was it hard to find space to store stuff?
Is there any other place to store stuff?
I really don't want to drag it all the way home...
Thank you!</p>
<p>At the end of summer b, the housing dept allows you to store your stuff in the closet of your new room. They specifically say the closet but some people also use the top of the bed and desk. Just make sure nothing is on the floor so the custodial staff can clean the rooms before fall move-in. Many people store there heavy items (i.e frig, tv.etc) and store other large items. If you still have space then you can leave the other things, such as linens, books etc. Also you cant store your stuff in your new room until the previous occupant has checked out.</p>
<p>Thanks you so much!
Do you also have any idea of what I can do with my bike?</p>
<p>UPD (university police) generally has a rule about students and leaving their bikes over break or it will be confiscated. I dont know the exact rules. You might be able to leave it on the bike rack outside you new dorm b/c RA's move in on the 12th and they might think its the RA's or something. If your unsure, call UPD and ask if its ok to leave you bike on the rack</p>
<p>one more question... when can we start checking in for fall term?</p>
<p>Residence Halls open at 9 AM on August 18th.</p>