Straight to UC or Community College?

I’m a senior in California and the only schools that I have gotten into are UC Santa Cruz, UC Riverside, UC Merced, SJSU, CSULB, and SFSU. I got rejected from my top schools off my list: UC Davis, UC Santa Barbara, and UC San Diego. I haven’t heard back from UC Irvine or Berkeley yet, but I doubt that I will get into them. My UC GPA is 3.92 and SAT is 1200 (600W 600M and 19 on essay), and according to my counselor my UC essays were really good (got some help from a friend that goes to UCLA). My dad only went to a community college and mom only went to a two year for profit college so I don’t know if I’m considered a first generation college student by UC standards, and my annual household income is around ~150k. I also go to a charter school with partnerships with some UCs so I do technically have a slight advantage over other applicants. I took 5 AP classes and got mostly A’s with some B’s.

This leaves me left with deciding between going to UCSC or community college. I got into UCSC with electrical engineering. I’ve visited the campus before but I don’t really feel like the campus environment would fit me well. I’ve also heard from some people that the students there didn’t have UCSC as one of their top choices nor want to be there, and the school isn’t as good in general. UCSC is choice #5 out of the 12 schools that I applied to.

I was considering going to community college and found that I could TAG to better UCs that I really want to go to like Davis or Santa Barbara, but I’m worried that I might not get the >3.2 GPA by the end of two years. I’m also not 100% confident in what I want to study or do in the future, but I was thinking of working in a position at a government agency, intelligence, the Department of Defense, or a defense contractor. I think I would rather go to community college for 2 years and transfer to a school that I want to go to rather than staying at a school that I don’t really like for 4 years. My parents saved enough when I was born so finances aren’t an issue and can afford to avoid debt even if I go straight to UCSC.

Also, my parents prefer me to go straight to a 4 year then grad school and aren’t so sure about me going to community college path. I have one cousin that in community college for her 5th year and also had about 5 other cousins that dropped out of community college. I also had another cousin who got into some UCs in high school but didn’t like them and went to community college to transfer to another UC, but now after two years, she doesn’t have the GPA to transfer to any UC. On the other hand, I had another cousin that flunked in high school, but just transferred to UC Irvine, and another cousin that dropped out of Davis but transferred back (after 3-4 years). I think it may or may not be a risk going to a community college since I already have UCSC, but I was more focused and did better academically than my cousins did in high school.

Is it better for me to go to UCSC or community college? Or should I go to UCSC for a year and see if I should stay or go to community college? Also I have 1 friend that (might) go to UCSC and 3 other friends that are definitely going to the same community college. Does anyone know the best option for community college in the east bay area or any opinions on Chabot college?


You have been admitted into several very good schools. You really ought to visit them all before ruling them out. While there, eat on campus and talk to some existing students about their experience. They are all quite different - in campus surrounds, size, weather, etc. If you are objective, one of these will call to you more than the others.

Good luck

Have you visited UC Merced? It’s really a lot better than the consensus opinion dictates. I encourage you to go visit it. Our daughter was admitted to UCSB and UC Merced, and she is seriously torn between the two…seriously. UC Merced is new, the campus is growing, the dorms are great. One major drawback, of course, is the lack of surrounding community businesses. We visited a couple weeks back on a weekend and let our daughter experience it. It wasn’t as ‘dead’ as some have made it seem; but it wasn’t like the party scene at UCSB, either. That being said, it’s a great campus. 20 years from now, kids with a UCM degree with be highly respected!

Why UCSC or CC only? CSULB, SJSU, UC Riverside all great schools for Engineering and if you do not like the vibe at UCSC, why consider attending for 4 years???

I went a tour of UCR’s Engineering Labs with both son’s and was very impressed. Love the campus, a bit smaller than the rest of the UC’s, near larger cities and definitely an up and coming UC.

CSULB has a great location, active student life, a respected Engineering department and affordable in comparison to the UC’s.

I agree with @NCalRent, you need to visit all the schools that have accepted you before making a decision especially if your parents are pushing a 4 year university. Many applicants would love to have your choices, so love the schools that love you…

SJSU gets more of their grads into Apple and other high tech schools than the UCs is what my brother who works in the Valley tells me. UCR is also highly regarded and kids were holding their breath to get in there.

If you are motivated to get through the CC route, it is an excellent way to get into the schools you want. A lot of CA kids doing this. You know the pitfalls. You seem very aware of the pros and cons. Discuss the options with your parents, counselors and visit your choices if you can. You have some good choices. It’s a good thing to have you middle of the pack choice on the table!