Strange Transcript

<p>If you take a look at my transcript,
I have straight A's (with the exception of 2 B's)
for 2 years</p>

<p>and then you get to the fall of my junior year
C ap eng
C- ap calc
and worst of all
F ap us history</p>

<p>then it gets stranger.
next semseter I am back with all A's and B+ in calc.</p>

<p>What would an admissions officer think of this?</p>

<p>would it be more negative considering I failed one class and almost failed two more
(keeping in consideration that my school doesnt give D's, a D percetage is an F)
or would it look positive because I went from ^ those to almost straight a's?</p>

<p>I feel weird.
what do you think?</p>

<p>is there a particular reason why u did so bad fall junior year? cuz then u can specify on college app on essay and they'll take that into consideration.</p>

<p>...what did happen?
I think the colleges would definitely want to know.</p>

<p>i thought colleges only say the year it wouldn't matter...right?...</p>

<p>It will look terrible at top schools unless you have a very good explanation for the low grades (I can't imagine one serious enough, though). If your low grades resulted from a lack of motivation, then you're in big trouble.</p>

<p>Well, a kid undergoing cancer treatment would have a "serious enough" reason for a significant dip in his or her grades, although that's probably not applicable to elehmehnohpea's grade situation--especially since his/her grades rose again in the spring.</p>

<p>or a death in the family.</p>

<p>Or you could make up something about how you were REALLY close to your hampster when it died all of a sudden and you spend 4-5 hours a day digging a 23-foot hole in your back yard in an attempt to penetrate the earth's crust until your grandma got worried about your health and burned the dead carcas in the fire place so that the little guy would rise with the smoke and ashes and go up to heaven....</p>

<p>^dont drink and post</p>

<p>Sorry. .</p>

<p>Well, I moved to a new city, lived in a house with my mom's abusive boyfriend for two months, then lived in a hotel for a few weeks when he kicked us out, then moved into another house a week before school started. For the whole semester I was very depressed until i got the full effect of what it had done to my grades.
I don't know if that would be considered a "serious reason"
i just have this undying fear that admissions officers are cold and heartless...</p>

and if worst comes to worst, <em>Daniel</em>, I'll use your idea. </p>


<p>Are all those grades actually ON your transcript? The transcripts for my county only show the final grades (the 4 quarter grades averaged with a final assessment grade). The only thing that gets factored into the GPA is the final grade. Some counties probably do semester grades and final grades, and I'm sure some do ALL the grades received, but there is a chance only your final grades and not your quarter/semester grades will be sent to colleges. You should probably try to make an appointment with your guidance counselor and request to view your transcript. </p>

<p>A drop in grades isn't good but I think the fact that you got them back up very high and very quickly will reflect well. I think the situation you describe sounds serious enough. IME usually people don't have a significant drop in grades and then bring them back up very high because they're just "lazy"...usually their reason was something very personally distressing. Visit your GC if you can and discuss the situation.</p>