Strategies to Raise Score

<p>I am a sophomore, and took the PSAT this past fall. I scored as follows:</p>

<p>V: 68
M: 49
W: 71</p>

<p>Obviously, it is the math score that is hurting me the most. What strategies would you advise for someone who is hoping to become NMSF as a junior?</p>

<p>I've read that the math score is the easiest to increase, and was wondering what techniques are recommended. Any suggestions for increasing the other scores would also be appreciated.</p>


<p>3 Things.
1. A good graphing calculator. get used to it, figure out what the buttons do, etc.
2. Do practice tests. Do practice SATII math level 1's, even tho you aren't concerned with it for now. do practice level 2's also.
3. Go through the test, answering the ones you know for sure how to do first, and come back for the others. if it sounds what your teachers said, ur right. i used to not listen to them either. i tried it once though, and my score shot way up.</p>

<p>hope i helped.</p>