<p>i need some form of object or activity that can act as a high intensity stress reliever.</p>
<p>i'm not looking for: read a book, take a jog, take a bath. i want something more along the lines that i can beat the leaving daylights out of. being at the top of a mountain and screaming at the top of my lungs or boxing would be great things unfortunately those are not very plausible. </p>
<p>i need an effective yet plausible solution.</p>
<p>Note: Please refrain for recommending counseling or what not because it might seem I'm a violent person etc. I am not a violent person with any anger issues and do not get into dangerous situation etc. etc., but when it comes to relieving some stress I would rather break a glass than sip some apple juice. </p>
<p>I used to throw snickers at the wall for a while.</p>
<p>Buy a punching bag and beat the **** out of it. My friend has one, so I sometimes just stop at his house and punch it for a little while. It feels AMAZING. lol... Its a great stress reliever.</p>
<p>skydiving is amazing and gave me an adrenaline rush I could never explain nor compare to anything else I have ever done. it leaves one feeling amazing for so long after. nevertheless, its way too expensive to even think about doing on a regular basis (bout 150-200 a tandem jump). i second exercise. i have always wanted a punching bag but never got one for some reason. that seems like a great stress reliever.</p>
<p>I take judo classes and it's awesome. However, you can take whatever you're interested in. Something like Muay Thai would be amazing to take. I can imagine that being a GREAT stress reliever.</p>
<p>find something volunteer wise that is physical, like digging in the dirt, there is something realesing about getting into the ground and throwing tree roots around</p>
<p>running up and downstairs is a quick and easy fix</p>