I have posted in here before but a few things have changed going into my senior year, including my stress levels. I am wondering on my chances studying business/economics at:
Also other schools but they are super reaches/safeties:
Arizona State
GPA (Weighted Scale):
4.26 Overall
3.75 Freshman 4.15 Sophomore - 4.75 Junior
Don’t know unweighted but A- average
From competitive public high school (Top 200 Nationally, Top 5 in Massachusetts)
Course Load:
Close to most challenging curriculum I could take, only opted out of AP science (Chem/Bio/Physics)
4 APs Junior Year
5 APs Senior Year
ACT: 33 (34 E, 33 R, 29 M, 36 S)
I don’t know if anywhere superscores ACT but superscore is 34
SAT: 1490/1600 (CR: 760 M: 730)
Will probably take again because I feel a 1500 is very possible and even though the difference is slight, I feel like 1500 just looks way better
- Started charity that raises money and brings solar powered lights to remote villages in Haiti without electricity
-In the process of founding a club with some friends who have projects similar to the one I have above, we are getting together to start a club that provides resources (helps fundraising, etc) to global-focused community service type projects, not official yet but we have almost everything we need to get this started as soon as school starts up
- Varsity Swimming 9-12, Captain, Recieved League All-Star awards every year, team received state sportsmanship award
- Business Professionals of America, a leadership program for students, had to write a research paper and give a presentation on a certain aspect of the economy, qualified for the National conference
- National Youth Leadership Forum, nominated by a teacher, leadership program over the summer
- I have a patent-pending
- Lifeguarding 30 hrs a week this summer
- Gay Straight Alliance
-Relay for Life since 2nd grade, top contributor multiple years
-Department Award for Science this year
Other Factors:
Finances a non-issue
LGBT-- Grades got way better after I came out
Rec letter from AP English teacher, have done well in the class, he is known for good rec letters, and one from Chemistry teacher who probably had a lot to do with me getting a department award for science at my school. However, guidance counselor got a new job so my counselor rec letter is going to be from someone that doesn’t really know me
Essays- Already have a draft that was pretty solid, we have a college essay workshop at my school among other resources and I have done well with writing
USC is my #1 - It seems that if you are able to show them they are your #1 it can help? Any tips on how to do that?
When my son was applying and USC was his #1, he simply told them USC was his #1. We went to a local info session where he met one of the admissions officers for Viterbi and he told her there and also emailed a thank you afterwards. He also visited the school, met with the Director of the Computer Science Games Department, and met with the regional representative. In the end, there was no way USC did not know it was his #1.
USC- Low reach, it’s very competitive but you definitely have a decent chance.also FYI some schools consider interest heavily. USC is not one of those schools. They don’t care about interest. Your best X Factor is going to be writing very good essays
UCLA- Probably same chance as USC but I can’t tell you for sure unless you calculate your UC GPA. Keep in mind your oos so only AP courses get the honors point bump.
Columbia- Pretty big reach it’s insanely competitive
NYU- If Stern, low reach, if CAS or something like that, match
U Miami- Match, you’ll probably get in but it’s not a safety.
UTampa- Safety
Arizona State- Safety
:bz The problem with most schools is not always can you get into the school, but can you afford it. USC now costs almost $70,000 a year! They do meet need and give out merit aid but is that enough. Why not look for schools that are truly affordable, that is unless you want to be a WalMart greeter when you retire.
The OP says finances are not an issue. If that is the case, why tell him USC is not truly affordable even though “they do meet need and give out merit aid”?
You need to calculate your UC GPA Here: https://rogerhub.com/gpa-calculator-uc/
Remember that if you are OOS only AP/IB courses get weighted credit.
I would also write about being LGBT in your essays whenever it would be a relevant topic to the prompt. It’s a diversity thing and it could help your cause. I wish I was out at the time I applied to colleges because I would have been able to write the essay without the worry of my parents seeing it.
In any case,
USC: High Match/Low Reach
UCLA: High Match/Low Reach (Will be able to give you a more definitive answer once I know your UC GPA)
UMiami:Match/Low Match
NYU:High Match
Columbia: Reach
UTampa: Safety
Arizona State: Safety
I am fairly knowledgeable about UCLA/UC admissions in general. So if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
@RHSclassof16 It gave me three but capped/weighted UC GPA is 4.18
@jglover UCLA & Cal use the uncapped. I actually had the same capped GPA as you. Anyways you had slightly better test scores than me and the same GPA. However I was in-state. Luckily for you UCLA doesn’t give too much preference to in state applicants. (Lower acceptance for In-State applicants actually, but the OOS application pool is more competitive.) So I will say that you are a high match for UCLA. Focus on your essays a lot and I think you have a very good chance of getting in. I was also accepted at NYU but rejected at USC. I didn’t apply to any of the other schools that you listed.
Here are some admissions statistics for this past years admitted class:
@RHSclassof16 thanks! I was really worried for a second because initially I included my freshman year and the gpa would’ve been way lower haha. But yeah UCLA is definitely up there on my list. Hopefully I get in!
@blueguy99 oh well, hopefully knowing I will attend if I get in might help a little bit so they can protect their yield