Stretched the truth about extracurriculars. Advice?

<p>It was wrong. I was stupid. I know I’m going to get angry responses but please hear me out, as I’m at least admitting my mistakes and trying to come clean. It was 4am when I submitted the app and wasn’t thinking straight, and have had previous issues with self-confidence and anxiety. all excuses aside…</p>

<p>-For a club that I had started this year through the school but was involved with outside of school, I put down that I did it for one additional year
-For my local newspaper, I put it down as work experience as a writer after I had been published and one of the staff members I spoke with talked about working with me in the future. Even after I tried to follow him up on the offer, that didn’t get to happen. (I didn’t know what else to list it as on the app at the time, because I legitamately thought I would be getting another job for a time, and didn’t realize that I probably wouldn’t until after the app was submitted)
-I also claimed that I ran a small-time babysitting service on my own one year longer than I actually did.</p>

<p>These may seem like trivial errors but I recently had a talk at my school about lying on applications and academic dishonesty that can lead to a recinded application or even degree in the future. I never outright lied on my application, all the things above our based in fact and things that I have legitimately done. That being said, I am severely afraid of being called out for these things and being blacklisted or something. Decisions are coming out soon, and I feel that if I am tight-lipped about it that it would not affect my application, but if I don’t address the issues I might suffer later. Should I just enroll in a Community College and not take the risk? Should I fess up or attempt to explain the situation to the individual colleges even if they might get suspicious? and if so, how should I go about doing it?</p>

<p>I swear this isn’t a ■■■■■/joke thread, just an honest kid whose made some small mistakes and is admitting to them, but is also really scared of the possibilities.</p>

<p>If they haven’t contacted you by now, you’re probably fine.</p>

<p>The only way they can catch you is if you’re randomly selected for verification… or if you post a confession on the internet.</p>