Strong enough for Columbia

<p>I have a 3.75 GPA at Davidson and will have taken 4 300+ level classes. I am currently a freshmen and will be applying for sophomore standing. I have strong ECs as well, primarily that I took a gap year before coming here and studied at a German University for a year on a government scholarship. As well, all of my other kinds of extracurriculars fall into the same international relations category, which was exemplified by that government scholarship, so I have shown determination/linear progression in that field of study.</p>

<p>Obviously, as well, recommendations really aren't an issue. In terms of my high school standing, I was in the top 15%-20% of a prestigious private school and have a 2100 SAT score (720 CR, 660M, 720 WR)</p>

<p>My weakest point is probably my highschool transcript which, though still very solid, is just not as excellent as I have been doing since that time. Also, my SAT scores are only okay, but I was wondering since I took that gap year if, since it has been 2 years since highschool, the admissions will look at me like a sophomore and therefore will put less emphasis on my highschool transcript.</p>

<p>Anyway, with all of this, I was under the impression I would have pretty strong transfer chances. But I was schools realize that not all College grading policies are the same, because Davidson is a real ball buster so I hope they realize that. Anyway, please let me know what my chances are. Thanks so much.</p>

<p>Transfer Chances to Columbia= ?</p>

<p>I think its worth applying, you sound pretty darn competetive! good luck</p>

<p>first of all, Davidson is a great liberal arts school so why do you wanna go to columbia?
idk what ur future plan is, but im sure davidson will prepare u for any grad school or even professional school
you definitely sound like a great candidate for transfering to columbia, but if it doesn’t work out the way u want it to be, Davidson is stilll awesome!!
goood luck!!</p>