Stronger departments: Duke or USC

<p>Hi! I'll prob. major in bio or poli sci in college, and I'm wondering if anyone knows whether USC or Duke has a stronger program! I know that USC is pretty strong, but Duke also has a strong science program, so if you know about both schools, plz help, because I got two weeks to make my choice between those two schools, ktnx</p>

<p>duke is better in both</p>

<p>I'm assuming you are talking about the USC in California. In either case, the answer is Duke is substantially better. Take USNews rankings with a grain of salt but according to them (for the sake of objectivity):</p>

<p>Biological Sciences Department Ranking
Duke: #12
USC: #89</p>

<p>Political Science Department Ranking
Duke: #8
USC: #54</p>

<p>Those are pretty big differences. For undergrad, Duke also blows USC out of the water for every objective stat you can find in terms of selectivity, student body, and grad school/job placement. Don't get me wrong, USC is a solid school, it is just not on the same level as Duke and it is a lot bigger (more impersonal) too. Unless you have a really compelling reason to be at USC, like a full ride (though you would be surprised at how many kids there are at Duke who turned down full or half scholarships to USC to come to Duke), then I would say this is a no-brainer. Congrats on getting into Duke!</p>

<p>cool! thnx for the stats, I think I'll def go to Duke now. :)</p>