struggling with my SAT prep

<p>do you have to study vocab to do well on the sent comp?
if yes,what is the best vocab list out there?
how do you do well on reading comprehension?</p>

<p>I took the JUNE'08 SAT and got a 460 in CR
I'm currently prepping for the DECEMBER SAT
I recently took two sections of practice from the Blue Book and got 9/24 questions right on both</p>

<p>I wanna get at least a 550-600
is it possible?
ill do anything,I'm dying for this
please help</p>

<p>at 460, vocab lists won't help too much. I would jsut do 3-4 practice tests in the blue book and review all the vocabulary that you missed from those tests.</p>

<p>Yeah, vocab lists aren't going to help that much, unless you are missing primarily the sentence completions. I really recommend you do SAT practice tests like the guy above suggested, or reading more in general.</p>